【单选题】 收益率曲线风险中的“收益率”具体是指( )
①  即期收益率
②  远期收益率
③  到期收益率
④  持有期收益率
【判断题】 收益率曲线中的收益率是指到期收益率
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 杜邦分析分析的是净资产收益率,找出净资产收益率变化的因素。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 基准收益率的确定一般以行业的平均收益率为基础,同时综合考虑()等影响因素。
①  资金成本
②  投资风险
③  通货膨胀
④  资金限制
⑤  内部收益率
【判断题】 资产收益率是管理效率指标
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列关于净资产收益率的计算中,错误的有(  )。
①  净资产收益率=销售净利率×总资产周转率×权益乘数
②  净资产收益率=净利润×总资产周转率×权益乘数
③  净资产收益率=销售净利率×总资产×权益乘数
④  净资产收益率=销售净利率×总资产周转率×所有者权益
【多选题】 总资产收益率分析的重要意义体现在
①  总资产收益率指标集中体现了资产运用效率和资金运用效果之间的关系
②  可以通过对企业过去、现在的总资产收益率的分析来进行盈利预测,确定企业所面临的风险
③  总资产收益率还可以用于计划、预算、协调、评价和控制企业各部门、各环节的工作效率和工作质量
④  总资产收益率排除了公司负债水平的差异对这一指标的影响
⑤  总资产收益率是不受筹资活动影响的企业的真实盈利水平的反映,更具有普遍性
【判断题】 总资产报酬率越高,净资产收益率就越高。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 总资产报酬率越高,净资产收益率就越高。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 净资产收益率是企业净利润与净资产(账面值)的比率,反映了( )的收益能力。
①  债权人
②  股东
③  企业
④  集团
【单选题】 My grandmother’s taken ill and I’ve got to go down to the hospital.
①  We’re going to the same place
②  Very sorry to hear it. I hope it’s nothing serious
③  Really?
④  Let me go with you
【单选题】 The committee is due to __________ its report by the end of this year.
①  release
②  relieve
③  relate
④  retain
【单选题】 Air pollution __________ , this city is still a good place to live in.
①  being greatly reduced
②  greatly being reduced
③  to greatly reduce
④  greatly to reduce
【单选题】 TOEFL is a test for students __________ native language is not English.
①  that
②  of whom
③  whose
④  which
【单选题】 __________ all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.
①  As for
②  Besides
③  Except
④  Despite
【单选题】 That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but __________ the police.
①  called in
②  calling in
③  call in
④  to call in
【单选题】 Well done. Congratulations on your success.
①  Thank you very much
②  Oh, no, no
③  No, I didn’t do very well
④  Sorry, I couldn’t any better
【单选题】 Good morning, sir. May I help you?
①  No, I don’t buy anything
②  No, I don’t need your help
③  Yes, I need some sugar
④  Oh, no. That’s OK
【单选题】 I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner.
①  Thank you. You shouldn’t’ do that
②  Thanks, I’d like to go with you
③  No, you can’t say so
④  No, no, You can’t do that
【单选题】 He’s determined to finish the job __________ long it takes.
①  no matter
②  however
③  wherever
④  whatever