You must explain_______how they won_______the match.
of us, for
at us, at
to us, in
【单选题】 They won’t allow us ________ at this beach.
①  swimming
②  to swim
③  swam
④  swim
【单选题】 Can you go to the concert with us this evening?____________
①  No, I already have plans.
②  I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight.
③  No, I really don’t like being with you.
④  I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out.
【单选题】 Would you like to go fishing with us now?
①  No, I don’t like
②  It sounds interesting but I have lots of homework to do
③  I won’t tell you
④  Oh, it is well
【单选题】 _____ is important for us to learn how to get along with others.
①  One
②  This
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 Can you come over for dinner with us?
①  I’d like to but I have a meeting tonight
②  It doesn’t matter
③  No, I don’t like
④  Oh, that sounds well
【单选题】 Please send us a list of your ( ) and let us know if you are prepared to allow discount for a block booking.
①  price
②  quotatio
③  rate
④  tariffs
【单选题】 Can you go out with us for dinner this evening?
①  No, I already have plans
②  Thanks a lot but I’m busy tonight
③  No, I really don’t like being with you
④  I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out for dinner
【单选题】 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.
①  take part in
②  join
③  taking part in
④  joining
【单选题】 Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?
①  OK, but I have to go to a meeting now
②  No, I can’t
③  I’d love to, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents
④  I don’t know
【单选题】 Could you tell us _______her aunt will stay here?
①  that
②  what
③  how long
④  where
【单选题】 清朝中央机构开始半殖民地化的标志是?
①  总理衙门的建立
②  中国海关管理权被英国人控制
③  外国公使进驻北京
④  外国人代表中国去欧美办理外交
【单选题】 揭开维新变法运动序幕的事件是?
①  康有为第一次上书
②  公车上书
③  “南学会”创立
④  《孔子改制考》发表
【判断题】 辛亥革命是比较完全意义上的资产阶级民主革命。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国近代睁眼看世界的第一人是林则徐。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列关于洋务运动的论述正确的有?
①  洋务运动是一场封建统治者的自救运动
②  洋务运动失败是必然的
③  洋务运动客观上促进了中国资本主义的发展
④  洋务运动的目的是为了推翻清政府的统治
【多选题】 洋务兴办的民用企业有?
①  开平矿务局
②  上海机器织布局
③  福州船政局
④  天津电报局
【多选题】 19 世纪 60 年代后,洋务运动的指导思想是?
①  中学为体
②  物竞天择,适者生存
③  师夷长技以制夷
④  西学为用
【多选题】 太平天国失败的原因主要在于?
①  领导集团内部的不团结
②  对侵略者本质缺乏理性认识
③  农民阶级自身的阶级局限性
④  领导集团内部的腐败
【多选题】 下列关于《马关条约》的评价,正确的是?
①  使帝国主义开始取得在中国修筑铁路的特权
②  使中国社会半殖民地化程度大大加深
③  允许列强在中国通商口岸开设工厂
④  是继《南京条约》以来最严重的不平等条约
【单选题】 规定洋货只需在海关交纳 2.5%的子口税,就可以在中国内地通行无阻的条约是?
①  1860 年《北京条约》
②  1842 年《南京条约》
③  1858 年《天津条约》
④  1895 年《马关条约》