Paper_______by Chinese for thousands of years now.
has made
has been made
was made
【单选题】 This kind of digital camera is considered the best that has been made ( )in our country.
①  so on
②  so that
③  so far
④  so as
【单选题】 [] has been made clear to all of us, none of you are to come late to class from today on.
①  It
②  As
③  What
④  Which
【单选题】 Clothing made of plastic fibres has certain advantages over ____ made of natural fibres like cotton, wool, or silk.
①  one
②  the one
③  that
④  what
【单选题】 24.There is no doubt ___the company has made the right decision on the sales project.
①  why  
②  that 
③  whether  
④  when
【单选题】 19.Though she talks little, she has made _______ friends here.
①  a few
②  few
③  littlle
④  a little
【单选题】 In the past he often made his sister___, but now he is often made __by his sister.
①  to cry; to cry
②  cry
③  to cry; cry
④  cry; to cry
【单选题】 04. Your sister has made an_________for you to see the dentist at 3 this afternoon.
①  appointment
②  intervies
③  opportunity
④  assignment
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? When a student has made a sentence with borrow, “I borrowed a paper to write a letter”, the teacher says, “Well, we don’t say a paper, we say a piece of paper.”
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  Organizer
④  Prompter.
【单选题】 The disappearance of her paper has never been _____.
①  counted for
②  looked up
③  accounted for
④  checked up
【单选题】 The Chinese ( ) paper for two thousand years.
①  have made
②  have been making
③  had made
④  are being made
【单选题】 可行性报告中有一些具有很强说服力和参考价值的统计图表、设计图纸、实验数据及文字性论证材料等,应把它们放在( )
①  前言部分
②  正文部分
③  结论部分
④  附件部分
【单选题】 特别重大的头版头条重要消息,多采用( )
①  一行标题
②  双行标题
③  三行标题
④  无标题
【单选题】 在经济纠纷诉状中,有利于法院改进审判工作,避免冤假错案发生的诉状是( )
①  起诉状
②  上诉状
③  答辩状
④  申诉状
【单选题】 经济纠纷诉状中,核心内容应是( )
①  请求事项
②  当事人基本情况
③  事实和理由
④  附项
【单选题】 在消息的导语部分,用平易朴素的文字,直接概括最重要、最精彩的新闻事实的写法是( )
①  描写式
②  叙述式
③  论述式
④  说明式
【单选题】 介绍信的作用不包括( )
①  介绍情况
②  联系双方
③  证明身份
④  介绍学历
【单选题】 民事原告在自己的民事权益受到侵害或者与他人发生争议时,为维护自身的民事权益,依照事实和法律、向人民法院递交的书面请求是( )
①  民事上诉状
②  民事反诉状
③  民事裁决书
④  民事起诉状
【判断题】 启事属于公开发布的告知性文书,必须具备告知性和简明性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 经济新闻的写作格式同其他新闻的写作是一致的,都是采用“倒金字塔”(即倒叙)方式。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 预测功能是经济活动分析的首要功能。
①  正确
②  错误