If he was healthy, he_______do more things useful.
【单选题】 Wealthy ____ he was, the governor would not spend a penny on such things.
①  as
②  if
③  though
④  however
【单选题】 He moved to Ohio in 2005 where, ( )other things, he worked as a journalist.
①  awhile
②  amid
③  await
④  among
【单选题】 He said he would never be intimidated _____ what he didn’t like by big names and authorities.
①  do
②  to do
③  did
④  into doing
【判断题】 Last week he promised that he would come today, but he hasnt arrived yet.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 If he_____the storekeepers scissors,he would have forgotten to buy a pair.
①  would not see
②  had not seen
③  having not seen
④  has not seen
【单选题】 3. He had to ______ his past actions when he retired, or he would be punished.
①  consider
②  account for
③  think
④  popular
【单选题】 His grandfather is very healthy. He _______drinks _______smokes.
①  both, and
②  no,but
③  either, or
④  neither, nor
【单选题】 If he ___ tomorrow, he would find Mr. Wang in the office.
①  comes
②  will come
③  should come
④  come
【单选题】 He called the police for help, ____ that the problem was more than he could deal with.
①  to realize
②  having been realized
③  realizing
④  realized
【单选题】 He considered that the change would be ____ to his health.
①  healthy
②  available
③  profitable
④  beneficial
【单选题】 下列哪种因素可使氧离曲线左移
①  Po2降低
②  Pco2升高
③  pH降低
④  2,3-DPG降低
⑤  [H+]升高
【单选题】 用来比较不同个体肺弹性阻力大小的指标是
①  比顺应性
②  肺顺应性
③  用力肺活量
④  用力呼气量
⑤  肺活量
【单选题】 肺换气是指
①  肺泡与肺毛细血管血液之间的气体交换过程
②  肺泡与组织细胞之间的气体交换
③  肺与气道之间的气体交换
④  肺与外界环境之间的气体交换
⑤  CO2排出肺的过程
【单选题】 对中枢化学感受器刺激作用最强的物质是
①  脑脊液中的CO2
②  脑脊液中的H+
③  脑脊液中的2,3-DPG
④  血液中的CO2
⑤  血液中的H+
【单选题】 决定肺部气体交换方向的主要因素是
①  气体的溶解度
②  气体与血红蛋白的亲和力
③  气体的分子量
④  气体的分压差
⑤  肺泡膜的通透性
【单选题】 波尔效应是指
①  Po2对Hb氧亲和力的影响
②  CO对Hb氧亲和力的影响
③  pH对Hb氧亲和力的影响
④  2,3-DPG对Hb氧亲和力的影响
⑤  温度对Hb氧亲和力的影响
【单选题】 维持胸膜腔内压的前提条件是
①  呼吸肌舒缩
②  肺的弹性阻力
③  胸廓的弹性阻力
④  气道阻力
⑤  胸膜腔密闭
【单选题】 肺通气量和肺泡通气量之差等于
①  无效腔气量×呼吸频率
②  潮气量×呼吸频率
③  残气量×呼吸频率
④  功能残气量×呼吸频率
⑤  肺活量×呼吸频率
【单选题】 二氧化碳分压最高的部位是
①  动脉血
②  静脉血
③  毛细血管血液
④  细胞内液
⑤  组织液
【单选题】 正常情况下,1秒用力呼气量占用力肺活量的百分数为
①  70%
②  83%
③  90%
④  96%
⑤  99%