A: Sorry, Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes ago. B: May I take a message?
【判断题】 A: Hello, May I talke to Mr. Thomas? B: I’m afraid not.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Hello, May I talke to Mr. Thomas? B: Im afraid not.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Can I take a message? Ill let Mr. Liu know as soon as he comes back. B: [填空].
①  I hope he will call me back
②  No. Ill call somebody else
③  Dont bother. Ill try his cell
④  I dont think its appropriate
【单选题】 Now Mike isn’t here. He ________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he ________ back in a few minutes.
①  went to ; is coming
②  has gone to ; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to ; has come
【单选题】 Now Mike isn’t here. He _______ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______back in a few minutes.
①  went to ; is coming
②  has gone to ; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to ; has come
【单选题】 —I’m sorry to keep you waiting. —Oh, not at all. I___ here only a few minutes.
①  have been
②  had been
③  was
④  will be
【单选题】 10.Now Mike isn’t here. He _________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______ back in a few minutes.
①  went to; is coming
②  has gone to; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to; has come
【单选题】 Client: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Turner?Secretary: ___________
①  I’m sorry. He’s at a meeting now..
②  I am. Speak, please.
③  Hello! Who’re you, please?
④  Hello! Thank you for calling.
【单选题】 Client: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Turner? Secretary: ___________
①  I’m sorry. He’s at a meeting now..
②  I am. Speak, please.
③  Hello! Who’re you, please?
④  Hello! Thank you for calling.
【单选题】 Johnnason: __________Cathy: Yes, our family moved in here only a few days ago. Johnnason: Welcome to the neighborhood.
①  Do you need any help?
②  Are you here for holidays?
③  Are you new here?
④  What are you doing here?
【判断题】 创业团队在组建时不仅要考虑团队成员在经营管理职能上的多样性和完备性,还要考虑团队成员在每一职能上的专业水平。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 通常,我们将创业动机是由环境被动驱动的创业者称为( )。
①  被动型创业者
②  生存型创业者
③  机会型创业者
④  主动型创业者
【单选题】 创业团队的组成模式有多种,其中,( )的团队模式是最完美的组合。
①  资金主导型
②  技术主导型
③  平等型
④  资本技术联合型
【单选题】 波士顿矩阵法,也就是( ),它是小企业用来确定不同经营单位之间的经营组合。
①  PETS法
②  BCG法
③  SWOT法
④  波特五种竞争力模型法
【多选题】 小企业采用差异化战略是存在一定风险的,表现在( )。
①  成本过高
②  相似产品降低了其差别化特色
③  竞争对手的模仿
④  购买者对差异的敏感度降低
⑤  消费者讨价还价能力的增强
【判断题】 目前,我国中小企业的界定标准包括从业人数、产业性质、资产总额等指标。(  )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列不可用作小企业界定标准的是(  )。
①  资产总额
②  员工人数
③  销售额
④  生产产品的类型
【判断题】 创业者的动机可能是由环境被动驱动的,一些创业者由于受到市场中某个新机会的驱动开展创业,这属于生存型创业者。( )     
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 常见的创业计划格式包括如下内容:( )。   
①  封面
②  扉页
③  目录
④  内容
⑤  附录
【简答题】 在人际交往中,如何有效地处理冲突和分歧?