If a person _______ succeed, he must try his best.
is to
is going to
【单选题】 There is no doubt ____he will succeed in his business.
①  that
②  whether
③  what
④  if
【单选题】 ____ he tried his best , he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 _______ he tried his best, he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【判断题】 ____Unless_____ they can get people in the organization to do what must he done, they will not succeed.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Little ___ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.
①  he realized
②  ?he didn’t realize
③  ?didn’t he realize
④  ?did he realize
【单选题】 _______ she tried her best, she didn’t succeed.
①  Though
②  When
③  If
④  After
【判断题】 P.S. put at the end of the letter means personal best.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:____Unless_____ they can get people in the organization to do what must he done, they will not succeed.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ____ the water sports — sailing, rowing, diving and swimming, I like rowing best. ?
①  At all ?
②  Above all ?
③  Of all ?
④  After all?
【单选题】 -Johnson has promised us that he will help ?us out to his best ability. -I don’t buy it. In my opinion, ?he _______ so kind.
①  has been
②  is
③  was
④  is being
【单选题】 电子经纬仪区别于光学经纬仪的主要特点是?
①  使用光栅度盘
②  使用金属度盘
③  没有望远镜
④  没有水准器
【单选题】 经纬仪在进行角度观测之前,不必要满足的条件是?
①  LL⊥VV
②  CC⊥HH
③  HH⊥VV
④  CC⊥L′L′
【单选题】 在水平角和竖直角观测中,利用盘左盘右观测不可以抵消( )误差?
①  视准轴不垂直于横轴
②  经纬仪对中
③  横轴不垂直于竖轴
④  指标差
【单选题】 用经纬仪测竖直角时,每次读数前必须转动( )使水准管气泡居中?
①  望远镜微动螺旋
②  水平微动螺旋
③  脚螺旋
④  指标水准管微动螺旋
【单选题】 水平角观测时,为精确瞄准目标,应该用十字丝尽量瞄准目标?
①  中部
②  顶部
③  底部
④  1/3高度处
【单选题】 将经纬仪安置于A点且瞄准B点时,水平度盘读数为30°,欲测设45°的水平角值于 AB直线的左侧,则水平度盘的读数应为?
①  345°
②  75°
③  165°
④  15°
【单选题】 在测量水平角时,经纬仪的水平度盘?
①  随照准部转动
②  不随照准部转动
③  有时转动有时不转动
④  以上答案都不对
【单选题】 观测竖直角时,要求使竖盘水准管气泡居中,其目的是?
①  整平仪器
②  使竖直度盘竖直
③  使水平度盘处于水平位置
④  使竖盘读数指标处于正确位置
【单选题】 竖直指标水准管气泡居中的目的是?
①  使竖盘处于铅垂位置
②  使竖盘指标指向90°
③  使度盘指标指向270°
④  使度盘指标指向90°或270°
【单选题】 测量工作的基准线是?
①  法线
②  铅垂线
③  方向线
④  竖直线