The cinema is built last year.
【单选题】 These children are ______ this year than they were last year.
①  more tall
②  more taller
③  very taller
④  much taller
【单选题】 These children are _________ this year than they were last year.
①  moretall
②  moretaller
③  verytaller
④  muchtaller
【单选题】 These children are_______this year than they were last year.
①  moretall
②  moretaller
③  verytaller
④  muchtaller
【单选题】 9. These children are ____this year than they were last year.
①  more tall
②  more taller
③  very taller
④  much taller
【判断题】 Thousands of trees?were planted?last year.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A new school was _____ up in the village last year.
①  held
②  set
③  sent
④  bought
【单选题】 They [填空] in Beijing nearly three weeks last year.
①  stayed
②  stay
③  stays
④  staying
【单选题】 This year’s total output value of industry and agriculture will increase ____ 5 percent over last year.
①  to
②  of
③  with
④  by
【单选题】 11.The United Nations managed to ______millions of people from hunger last year.
①  preserve
②  sell
③  save
④  . buy
【单选题】 Charles regretted ______ the TV set last year. The price has now come down.
①  buying
②  to buy
③  of
④  from
【判断题】 水闸主轴线放样,就是在施工现场标定主轴线交点位置().
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 水利水电工程施工质量检验地见证取样资料应由施工单位制备().
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下选项中微灌不包括()
①  A喷灌
②  B地面滴灌
③  C微喷灌
④  D涌泉灌
【单选题】 悬着毛管水达到最大值时的土壤含水率称为()
①  A田间持水率
②  B饱和含水率
③  C凋萎系数
④  D 毛管断裂含水率
【单选题】 城市建设,导致了当地().
①  A.下渗量增大
②  B.汛期洪峰流量加大
③  C.蒸发量增加
④  D.地面径流汇集速度减慢
【单选题】 城市化后对地下水影响正确的是().
①  A.地下水位升高
②  B.地下水质变好
③  C.地下水补给量减小
④  D.地下径流量增大
【单选题】 对需要缓解暴雨时城市排水系统负担的各类新建、改建道路,宜选用()透水沥青路面.
①  A.全透式
②  B.半透式
③  C.表层排水式
④  D.不透式
【单选题】 海绵城市的建设途径主要有以下几方面().
①  A.对城市原有生态系统的保护
②  B.生态恢复和修复
③  C.低影响开发(Low impact development, LID)
④  D.以上均对
【单选题】 将粗骨料装入骨料预冷罐,用低温水浸泡或循环冷却,或者在通过冷却廊道输送骨料的胶带表面淋洒低温水的骨料预冷方法是().
①  A.水冷法
②  B.风冷法
③  C.真空汽化法
④  D.液氮预冷法
【单选题】 旋转电机着火时,宜采用()灭火.
①  A.二氧化碳灭火器
②  B.干粉灭火器
③  C.泡沫灭火器
④  D.砂子