By the end of this month, I_______enough money for a training course.
will save
will be saving
will have saved
【单选题】 I had to complete the assignment by Friday [] otherwise, I would have failed the course.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【判断题】 The construction of the building will have completed by the end of this month.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Why not buy a cheaper one, ___ you don’t have enough money?
①  since
②  because
③  for
④  though
【单选题】 Next month, I_______ plan to have a holiday.
①  am
②  /
③  have
【判断题】 A: Do you have the time? B: Of course, I have.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【单选题】 By the end of next month we _____this assignment.
①  will finish
②  will be finishing
③  will have finished
④  have finished
【单选题】 I should think they have done it ________, to avoid paying you the money.
①  with purpose
②  on purpose
③  in purpose
④  to purpose
【单选题】 By the end of next month we ____ this assignment.
①  will finish
②  will be finishing
③  will have finished
④  have finished
【单选题】 The credit cards permit people to borrow-to-buy things they want even when they ( ) have enough money to pay the full price.
①  do not
②  do
③  does
④  does not
【多选题】 生态保护的主要目标包括()。
①  A.主要污染物排放总量显著增加
②  B.城乡饮用水水源地环境安全得到有效保障
③  C.重金属污染得到有效控制
④  D.城镇环境基础设施建设和运行水平得到提升
【判断题】 林业法就是指森林法。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 优化开发区域、重点开发区域、限制开发区域和禁止开发区域,是基于不同区域的资源环境承载能力、现有开发强度和未来发展潜力,以是否适宜或如何进行大规模高强度工业化、城镇化开发为基准划分的。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 海洋污染具有:污染源广、持续性强、扩散范围大、控制复杂等特点
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人类不同历史阶段环境对人口迁移的影响中,农业社会,农业人口逐水土而居,迁移频度加。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下项目中,不属于林业行政执法对象的是( )
①  A.林地侵占
②  B.乱砍滥伐
③  C.噪音污染
④  D.非法狩猎
【单选题】 复杂系统的创造力与其所具有的能量呈( )
①  A反比
②  B正比
③  C不相关
【单选题】 中西方文化结合有利于( )
①  A创造
②  B稳定
③  C和谐
【单选题】 用和谐驾驭创造的关键是( )
①  A维持稳定
②  B提高创造力
③  C在提高创造力的同时增加道德修养,促进稳定,使两者比例接近黄金分割
【单选题】 党的()提出了推进生态文明建设的内涵和目标任务,十八届三中全会明确了生态文明体制改革的主要任务。
①  A.十六大
②  B.十七大
③  C.十八大
④  D.十八届一中全会