I have my house cleaned once a week.
【单选题】 I try to___ swimming at least once a week.
①  do
②  play
③  go
【单选题】 I go to the gym [填空] a week.
①  one
②  first
③  once
④  two
【单选题】 There [填空] seven days in a week.
①  are
②  is
③  have
④  has
【单选题】 A: I go to the gym twice a week. B: [填空] You look really fit and healthy.
①  Thats right!
②  I can tell.
③  No way!
④  Poor you!
【单选题】 We have cleaned our yard, _____ they haven’t cleaned theirs.
①  but
②  and
③  so
④  because
【单选题】 — I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. — Is that ____ you had a few days off?
①  why
②  when
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 I____ a very old watch in my uncles house.
①  came to
②  met with
③  came across
【单选题】 There are [填空] days in a week.
①  the seven
②  seventh
③  the seventh
④  seven
【单选题】 I have trouble in ________ my homework.
①  do
②  done
③  doing
④  did
【单选题】 Sunday is the?[填空] day of a week.
①  one
②  first
③  second
④  a
【多选题】 利用循环求1到5的和值,已知i=1,sum=0;利用循环每次让sum求和,然后i++;判断条件是i<6;则求和的循环操作是()。
①  sum=sum+i
②  sum+=i
③  sum=i
④  i=sum+i
【单选题】 有字符数组a[80]和b[80],则正确的输出语句是()
①  puts(a,b)
②  puts(a);puts(b)
③  printf(%s,%s,a[],b[]);
④  putchar(a,b)
【单选题】 下列不正确的定义是()。
①  int*p=i,i;
②  int*p,i;
③  inti,*p=i;
④  inti,*p;
【单选题】 文件结束标志是()
①  \0
②  EOF
③  \n
④  0
【单选题】 #include stdio.h语句的功能是()。
①  这个语句的功能是进行有关的预处理操作
②  这个语句的功能是进行有关的打印处理操作
③  这个语句的功能是进行有关的扫描理操作
④  这个语句的功能是进行有关的数学公式的处理操作
【单选题】 对于int型非负数据不可采用格式说明符()输出。
①  %x
②  %d
③  %ld
④  %u
【单选题】 要使doublex;longa;获得数据,正确的输入语句是()。
①  scanf(%d,%f,a,x);
②  scanf(%f,%1d,x,a);
③  scanf(%ld,%1f,a,x);
④  scanf(%1d,%1f,a,x);
【单选题】 指出下面正确的输入语句是()
①  scanf(a=b=%d,a,b);
②  scanf(a=%d,b=%f,m,f);
③  scanf(%3c,c);
④  scanf(%5.2f,f);
【单选题】 冒泡排序对一维数组进行从大到小排序,一趟排序后会将数组中的()排到最后
①  最大值
②  最小值
③  下标最大的值
④  下标最小的值
【单选题】 对于语句:f=(3.0,4.0,5.0),(2.0,1.0,0.0);的判断中,()是正确的。
①  语法错误
②  f为5.0
③  f为0.0
④  f为2.0