_______ he knew it was just a joke, _______Peter looked frightened.
Although, but
/, and
Although, /
【单选题】 Although she was frightened, she answered with a ____ voice.
①  quiet
②  silent
③  still
④  calm
【单选题】 Although ____ Spanish, he attended the course.
①  he was knowing
②  he is knowing
③  having a knowledge of
④  knows
【单选题】 、Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.
①  extended
②  amounted
③  added
④  turned
【单选题】 Although only of __________ intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.
①  average
②  middle
③  mean
④  normal
【单选题】 Although he did not know London well, he made his way ______ to the airport.
①  easy enough
②  enough
③  easily enough
④  enough easily
【单选题】 Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
①  how
②  who
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on ____.
①  time
②  plan
③  schedule
④  arrangement
【单选题】 Although they had suffered heavy losses, they refused to ____ defeat.
①  concede
②  conserve
③  assert
④  conceal
【单选题】 Although Jack made a foolish mistake, we __________ at him.
①  ought to have laughed
②  oughtn’t to have laughed
③  ought to laugh
④  should not to laugh
【单选题】 Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly _____.
①  imagining
②  imaginative
③  imaginable
④  imaginary
【判断题】 给贫困家庭提供公益性岗位,可以为贫困户带来稳定的就业机会。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 以村为重点的扶贫主要帮助了贫困村里面条件比较差、收入水平比较低的农户。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在医学实践中,不伤害就是指在诊治过程中不使病人的身体受到损伤。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 根据本讲,各地打造实践创新基地的基本经验包括()
①  A.基础设施公共服务
②  B.政府专项扶持政策
③  C.优惠便利的融资体系
④  D.因地制宜塑造品牌
⑤  E.新型经营主体
【多选题】 以下属于实现精准扶贫、精准脱贫的“八个一批”的内容的有()。
①  A.特色产业脱贫
②  B.劳务输出脱贫
③  C.易地搬迁脱贫
④  D.加强教育脱贫
⑤  E.生态保护脱贫
【多选题】 本课程详细介绍了哪些延安精神原生形态?()
①  A.西柏坡精神
②  B.抗大精神
③  C.南泥湾精神
④  D.长征精神
⑤  E.延安县同志们的精神
【多选题】 就业扶贫需要解决的主要问题有( )。
①  A.通过有针对性的培训提高贫困家庭劳动力的意识和技能
②  B.帮助贫困家庭的劳动力找到稳定的就业机会
③  C.提供基本的社保保障以及城乡一体化衔接
④  D.权益保障和法律援助
【多选题】 治疗要获得病人的知情同意,这一规定体现了哪些道德价值( )。
①  A.保护患者自主权
②  B.协调医患关系
③  C.保证医疗质量
④  D.维持社会公正
【多选题】 专业技术人员职业道德建设的未来趋势包括()。
①  A.道德建设的“法制化”
②  B.社会征信体系建设
③  C.社会生态系统的形成
④  D.在追求人性解放中的螺旋式发展
【多选题】 缺乏执行力的组织的共同特征是( )。
①  A.组织缺乏明确目标
②  B.成员过分认同组织目标
③  C.目标和成员间缺少联系
④  D.缺少坦率沟通