A country ________ birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.
【单选题】 The birth rate of the country decreases ______ with years.
①  extremely
②  approximately
③  progressively
【单选题】 The city ____ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut
【单选题】 The city ______ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut
【单选题】 39. A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising.
①  asresults
②  whichresults
③  theresultsofit
④  theresultsofwhich
【单选题】 There is a sharp drop[填空] birth rate in this area.
①  from
②  of
③  with
④  over
【单选题】 A survey was carried out on the death rate of new born babies in that region,________were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than where citizens come from _________ backgrounds.
①  identical
②  dramatic
③  extensive
④  diverse
【单选题】 17. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ____were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 6.All this is highly ______ for those who worried a year ago that the country would have difficulty rebuilding its economy.
①  recalling
②  reassuring
③  reminding
④  removing
【单选题】 By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world’s population ____ in cities rather than in the country.
①  are living
②  will be living
③  have lived
④  will have lived
【单选题】 《小二黑结婚》所体现赵树理协作的构思方式是( )
①  在实际工作中发现问题,形成主题
②  确立主题,到实际工作中寻找素材
③  围绕一个中心人物表现主题
④  以展示民风民俗来突出作品主题
【单选题】 1947年七八月间,正式提出“赵树理方向”是在( )召开的文艺座谈会上。
①  晋鲁豫边区文联
②  晋察冀边区文联
③  晋冀鲁豫边区文联
④  陕甘宁边区文联
【单选题】 赵树理是()派的代表作家
①  山药蛋
②  荷花淀
③  新写实
④  先锋
【单选题】 赵树理的鼓词《石不烂赶车》是根据( )的民歌体叙事长诗《赶车传》而改写的。
①  田间
②  闻捷
③  李季
④  马可
【单选题】 血染龙王庙,这个情节出自赵树理的小说()
①  《三里湾》
②  《田寡妇看瓜》
③  《李家庄的变迁》
④  《李有才板话》
【单选题】 下列属于赵树理创作的长篇小说是( )
①  《小二黑结婚》
②  《李有才板话》
③  《李家庄的变迁》
④  《曰寡妇瓜》
【单选题】 萧红的哪部作品被称为“20年代北疆交响曲”?( )
①  《生死场》
②  《呼兰河传》
③  《马伯乐》
④  《小城三月》
【多选题】 《生死场》的独特贡献有哪些?()
①  反映东北人民血淋林的现实
②  符合时代的需要
③  成功的人物组合、饱满的性格刻画
④  独特的散文小说体式
【单选题】 萧红原名( ) 。
①  萧冰莹
②  肖红
③  张廼莹
④  悄吟
【单选题】 萧红创作的反映“人和动物一起忙着生,忙着死”这一主题的小说是( )。
①  《呼兰河传》
②  《弟弟》
③  《生死场》
④  《马伯乐》