皖菜的代表菜肴有( )。
【判断题】 西湖醋鱼是浙菜的代表菜肴。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 山东菜的代表菜有?
①  葱烧海参
②  大煮干丝
③  臭鳜鱼
④  龙虎斗
【单选题】 山东菜的代表菜有?
①  葱烧海参
②  大煮干丝
③  臭鳜鱼
④  龙虎斗
【单选题】 ( )菜常用辣椒、熏辣制品多,口味偏重辣酸,讲究实惠。
①  浙菜
②  湘菜
③  川菜
④  粤菜
【判断题】 粤菜的汆汤料基本固定,由笋花、菇件、火腿片和菜软菜远、菜芯软组成。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪一菜肴是官府菜中的孔府菜( )
①  诗礼银杏
②  回锅肉
③  清蒸石斑鱼
④  铁板毛豆腐
【单选题】 下列哪一菜肴是官府菜中的孔府菜( )
①  诗礼银杏
②  回锅肉
③  清蒸石斑鱼
④  铁板毛豆腐
【多选题】 孔府菜代表名菜有( )。
①  诗礼银杏
②  八仙过海
③  一品锅
④  怀抱鲤鱼
【多选题】 下列属于粤菜的代表菜肴的有( )。
①  龙虎斗
②  水晶肴蹄
③  爽口牛丸
④  广东叉烧
【单选题】 松鼠鳜鱼是( )菜的代表菜。
①  鲁菜
②  粤菜
③  苏菜
④  川菜
【单选题】 Women have ____ equal say in affairs at home.
①  any
②  some
③  /
④  an
【单选题】 ——Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I’d like you and Jane to come. ——I’m not sure if she ____ free.
①  willbe;is
②  isgoingto;is
③  is;is
④  is;willbe
【单选题】 I haven’t read ____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writer.
①  any
②  none
③  both
④  either
【单选题】 A British man who ____ to play practical jokes ____ his own humorous art work in four major New York museums over the last two weeks.
①  liked;hassecretlyhung
②  likes;hassecretlyhung
③  hadliked;secretlyhung
④  hasliked;secretlyhung
【单选题】 ——Are you content with her lecture? ——Nowhere near that. It ____.
①  mayhavebeengood
②  couldn’thavebeenworse
③  couldn’thavebeenworse
④  mustbebetter
【单选题】 Experience is believing. If you’d like to know what it ____ like to be a soldier in World War Ⅱ,____ the game “Brothers in Arms: Roads to Hill 30”.
①  wouldbe;try
②  wouldbe;try
③  wouldbe;trying
④  was;trying
【单选题】 Nothing in my life has meant ____ to me as his praise.
①  asmuch
②  more
③  thatmuch
④  asgood
【单选题】 After the 1980s, the West became Godlike to many Chinese because of ____ Westerners’ wealth, and ____ freedom to do what they wanted.
①  /;/
②  the;the
③  the;/
④  /;the
【单选题】 Shanghai is the first city in the world ____a high-speed maglev train, from the city to Pudong Airport.
①  tobuild
②  tobebuilt
③  tohavebuilt
④  tohavebeenbuilt
【单选题】 The size of the generation gap seems to be spreading with ____ rapid changes in technology, in education, in transportation and in communication that are taking place all over ____ globe.
①  the;the
②  the;/
③  /;/
④  /;the