【判断题】 预收账款和预付账款均属于负债。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 预收账款属于流动负债,因此,如果企业不单设预收账款,可以将预收账款并入应付账款科目核算。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 预收账款业务不多的企业,也可以不设置“预收账款”账户,而直接将预收账款并入()账户的贷方进行核算。
①  “应付账款”
②  “预付账款”
③  “其他应付款”
④  “应收账款”
【判断题】 预付账款和应付账款均属于负债。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “预付账款”账户和“应付账款”账户在结构上是相同的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “预付账款”账户用来反映企业因购买材料等而预付给供应单位的款项及其结算情况。该账户属于资产类账户,因此,该账户的期末余额一定在借方。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 (判断)预付账款属于负债类科目,用于核算企业按照合同规定预付的款项。( )
【单选题】 在企业不单设“预付账款”账户时,对于预付款业务可在
①  “应收账款”账户反映
②  “预收账款”账户反映
③  “应付账款”账户反映
④  “其他应付款”账户反映
【单选题】 ?如果企业不设置“预收账款”账户,应将预收的货款计入( )。   
①  应收账款的借方   
②  应收账款的贷方   
③  应付账款的借方   
④  应付账款的贷方
【单选题】 如果企业不设置“预收账款”账户,应将预收的货款计入( )。
①  应收账款的借方   
②  应收账款的贷方   
③  应付账款的借方   
④  应付账款的贷方
【单选题】 But considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we shall ______ you a special discount.
①  grade
②  grasp
③  grant
④  glance
【单选题】 ______ the storm, we should have reached our company.
①  Because of
②  In spite of
③  In case of
④  But for
【单选题】 The rug is______ much better quality. It is made of 80% cotton and 20% wool.
①  from
②  of
③  in
④  at
【单选题】 How I wish every family______ a large house with a beautiful garden!
①  had had
②  will have
③  had
④  has
【单选题】 We all know first impression ______ a lot.
①  discounts
②  counts
③  amounts
④  mounts
【单选题】 And lastly, do you do anything else to ______ healthy?
①  stain
②  still
③  stay
④  stick
【单选题】 Weather______, we will go to the beach on Saturday.
①  permit
②  permits
③  permitting
④  permitted
【单选题】 ______, this book is not very difficult.
①  Generally say
②  Generally saying
③  Generally speak
④  Generally speaking
【单选题】 This ______,we all went home immediately.
①  did
②  done
③  does
④  do
【单选题】 Johnregretted_______tothemeetinglastweek.
①  not going
②  not to go
③  not having been going
④  not to be going