以下各项应在“营业税金及附加”账户核算的有( )。
【判断题】 物流企业的营业税金及附加主要包括营业税、城市维护建设积和教育费附加等。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 物流企业的营业税金及附加主要包括营业税、城市维护建设积和教育费附加等。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下各项应在“营业税金及附加”账户核算的有( )。
①  城市维护建设税
②  消费税
③  营业税
④  教育费附加
【多选题】 以下各项应在“营业税金及附加”账户核算的有( )
①  增值税
②  消费税
③  营业税
④  教育费附加
⑤  城市维护建设税
【多选题】 下列税金中,需要通过“营业税金及附加”账户核算的有
①  增值税
②  营业税
③  消费税
④  印花税
⑤  房产税
【判断题】 营业税金及附加科目核算的营业税金包括主营业务收入导致的营业税,但不包括其他业务收入导致的营业税。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 税金及附加科目核算的营业税金包括主营业务收入导致的营业税,但不包括其他业务收入导致的营业税。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 企业当期因日常经营活动应交纳的增值税为54 000元, 当期确认并交纳的消费税、营业税、 资源税、 城市维护建设税和教育费附加分别为5 000元、600元、8 500元、6 810元,则反映在利润表上的营业税金及附加项目的数额应为( )元。
①  74 910
②  20 910
③  14 100
④  54 000
【多选题】 下列各项中,应计入营业税金及附加的有( )。
①  处置无形资产应交的营业税
②  进口材料应交的关税
③  销售应税产品的资源税
④  销售应税消费品应交的消费税
【多选题】 以下各项应在“税金及附加”账户核算的有( )。
①  城市维护建设税
②  消费税
③  资源税
④  教育费附加
【单选题】 Small sailboats can eaily turn over in the water [] they are not managed carefully.
①  though
②  before
③  until
④  if
【单选题】 [] so many people want to live in cities is because they want to have fun in there.
①  Why
②  That
③  Whether
④  How
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Afer finishing her composition, she took up the translation exercise.
②  Afer finishing her composition, the translation exercise was taken up.
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Hurrying to the classroom, no one was there.
②  Hurrying to the classroom, she saw nobody there.
【单选题】 Ill visit you whenever I will get the chance. Identify the mistake in the sentence.
①  visit
②  whenever
③  will
④  chance
【单选题】 It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life [] youve had that lesson.
①  until
②  after
③  when
④  since
【单选题】 Danish bacon and eggs [] a good solid English breakfast.
①  makes
②  make
【单选题】 She happily deposits the money she has earned teaching English in her savings account. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence
①  happily
②  she has earned
③  in her savings account
【单选题】 Well have a picnic in the park this Saturday [] it rains or it is very cold.
①  since
②  if
③  until
④  unless
【单选题】 His family [] divided opinions on many issues.
①  is
②  are