I think [填空] maths is more important than any other subject.
【单选题】 An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education ____.
①  settlement
②  establishment
③  construction
④  structure
【单选题】 An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education _____.
①  settlement
②  establishment
③  construction
④  structure
【单选题】 To answer correctly is more important than ____.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 To answer correctly is more important than________.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 I think science is ______ than Japanese.
①  much important
②  important
③  much more important
④  more much important
【单选题】 8.To answer correctly is more important than____.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 Air is very important, _________ we cannot live any more.
①  without that
②  no which
③  where
④  without which
【单选题】 I don’ t think it’ s important, _____?
①  doesn’ t
②  is it
③  do I
④  isn’ t
【单选题】 6. I think science is ____than Japanese.
①  much important
②  important
③  much more important
④  more much important
【单选题】 27. For quite _____ students,their teachers advice is more important than _____ of their parents.
①  few;one
②  afew;that
③  alittle;some
④  alot;many
【单选题】 下列能反映计算机浮点运算能力的指标是( )。
①  CPI
【单选题】 寄存器间接寻址方式中,操作数位于( )。
①  寄存器
②  主存单元
③  程序计数器
④  堆栈
【单选题】 DMA数据的传送是以( )为单位进行的。
①  字节
③  数据块
【单选题】 计算机的外围设备是指( )
①  输入、输出设备
②  外存储器
③  输入/输出设备及外存储器
④  除了CPU和内存以外的其他设备
【单选题】 下列寄存器中,用于存放当前执行指令的是( )
①  MAR
②  IR
③  MDR
④  PC
【单选题】 微程序存放在( )中。
①  控制存储器
②  RAM
③  指令寄存器
④  内存储器
【单选题】 以下描述中基本概念正确的是( )。
①  硬盘转速高,存取速度快
②  软盘转速快,存取速度快
③  硬盘是接触式读写
④  软盘是浮动磁头读写
【单选题】 计算机中有关ALU的描述,( )是正确的。
①  只做算术运算,不做逻辑运算
②  只做加法
③  能存放运算结果
④  以上答案都不对
【单选题】 双端口存储器所以能进行高速读写,是因为采用了( )。
①  高速芯片
②  流水技术
③  高速缓存技术
④  两套相互独立的读写电路
【单选题】 下列关于磁存储器的说法正确的是( )。
①  磁存储器是一种易失性存储器
②  磁存储器是利用磁性材料的磁滞回线特性存储数据的
③  一个文件的数据必须在磁盘上连续存储
④  提高磁盘访问速度的唯一方法是提高磁盘转速