A: Can you do this for me, please? B: No, thanks.
【单选题】 16. A; John , do you want me to take you to the hospital? B: No, thanks. Ann _____ take me.
①  will
②  is going to
③  may
④  must
【单选题】 A: Here you are, 100 yuan. B: Thanks.[填空]. Next one, please.
①  Thats all
②  Wait a minute
③  Its a good deal
④  Heres your change
【判断题】 A: Thank you very much! B: No thanks.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Woman: Bob, do you think you can lend me fifty dollars? Bob: Let me see. ____
①  You know I have no money at all.
②  Sorry, I don’t think I have much with me.
③  I don’t think you should do it.
④  Oh, I have quite a lot.
【单选题】 A: Can you give me a hand? B: [填空].
①  I can give you both hands
②  Im all yours
③  The pleasure is mine
④  Ill watch your back
【单选题】 A: This meal is on me. [填空]. B: Thanks, but isnt it my turn to treat you?
①  Its none of your business
②  Ill treat you
③  My pleasure
④  I invite you
【单选题】 A: Is there anything I can do for you? B: [填空], there is something.
①  No, nothing
②  Well, now that you ask
③  Nothing I can think of
④  If you ask me
【单选题】 A: I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. B: [填空].
①  You are wrong
②  You are welcome
③  Thats all right
④  Thats OK
【判断题】 A: Please pass me the magazine. B: Give it to you.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 — _________________________— Thanks! Its very kind of you to invite me.
①  How are you?
②  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
③  Do you like this festival?
④  Would you like something to have?
【单选题】 If the stars nearby hit together, they _______ the earth.
①  is influencing
②  influences
③  will influence
【单选题】 I hurt my knee, so I stopped _______ football last month.
①  playing
②  play
③  to play
【单选题】 When we were having a party, the host _______ the bad news.
①  was telling
②  was told
③  could tell
【单选题】 _______ all your time on this problem is not suitable.
①  Spending
②  To spend
③  Spend
【单选题】 Our old school_______ demolished next month. What a pity!
①  will be
②  is being
③  has been
【单选题】 My father_______take me to travel when I was a child.
①  was used to
②  used
③  used to
【单选题】 I hear that your company always take _______ children for survival experience during the vacation.
①  on
②  over
③  after
【单选题】 Dan and Kate_______ two years ago.
①  got married
②  was married
③  have married
【单选题】 If a person _______ succeed, he must try his best.
①  will
②  is to
③  is going to
【单选题】 He’s not Greek. He _______ from London.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  came