Which are [填空] ,the black eyes or the blue ones?
much beautiful
more beautiful
【判断题】 Our city becomes more and more beautiful.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The bridge which ________ last year looks really beautiful.
①  was built
②  built
③  was set up
④  had been built
【单选题】 The bridge which ________last year looks really beautiful.
①  was built
②  built
③  was set up
④  had been built
【单选题】 These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.
①  No, no. It’s nothing
②  You are welcome.
③  Yes, I agree
④  Yes, I think so, too
【单选题】 The [填空] in our garden are very beautiful.
①  cloth
②  water
③  flowers
④  grass
【单选题】 _______beautiful city it is!
①  What
②  What a
③  How
【多选题】 Thats beautiful, but___________ .
①  its too bad
②  its too expensive
③  it costs too much
④  the price is too high
【单选题】 Huangshan is [填空] beautiful city.Its [填空] capital of Anhui.
①  a,a
②  the,the
③  /,the
④  a,the
【单选题】 A: You look so beautiful in this dress today. B: [填空].
①  It cost me a fortune
②  Its very nice of you
③  It will be nice on you too
④  I hope you like it
【单选题】 He [填空] her a beautiful dress as a gift for new year.
①  gives
②  gave
③  will giving
④  is going to give
【判断题】 语法单位的大小主要表现在该单位包含的音节数目的多少上。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 语言符号的组合具有( )。
①  强制性
②  层次性
③  随意性
④  立体性
【判断题】 “四唐说”这种分期的方法起源于严羽的《随园诗话》。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列作品中,属于咏史诗的是
①  A.《鹿柴》
②  B.《北征》
③  C.《春望》
④  D.《乌衣巷》
【判断题】 诗赋取士,对重诗的社会风气的形成和诗歌的发展有一定的促进作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列诗句中,与“十年征戍忆辽阳”承接最紧密的是
①  A.海燕双栖玳瑁梁
②  B. 九月寒砧催木叶
③  C.丹凤城南秋夜长
④  D.更教明月照流黄
【单选题】 王勃的名句“海内存知已,天涯若比邻”出自他的
①  A.《滕王阁序》
②  B.《别友人》
③  C.《送杜少府之任蜀州》
④  D.《山中》
【单选题】 后人用“诗史”评价唐代诗人
①  A.杜甫
②  B.白居易
③  C.杜牧
④  D. 李商隐
【多选题】 盛唐山水田园诗派代表诗人有
①  A.储光羲 裴迪
②  B.丘为 常建
③  C.王维、孟浩然
④  D.韦应物 柳宗元
【判断题】 中唐以后文人的贬谪生活,也丰富了唐文学,代表诗人如刘禹锡、李商隐。
①  正确
②  错误