My sister falls while she is [填空] her bicycle and hurts herself.
【单选题】 My daughter is really fond of the ( ) of the curtain in her bedroom which she chose herself.
①  drawing
②  pattern
③  style
④  design
【判断题】 A: Who is the girl? B: She is my sister.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Im looking forward as much to her return as she herself to ______ me.
①  have seen
②  seeing
③  meet
④  be met
【单选题】 Lily forgot_______a letter to her sister, so she wrote to her just now.
①  to have written
②  to write
③  having wrote
【单选题】 30. Mary is ______ hardworking than her sister, but she failed in the exam.
①  no less
②  no more
③  not less
④  not so
【单选题】 My sister is good [填空] showing.
①  in
②  on
③  at
④  for
【单选题】 My sister and brother are teachers. [填空] are busy.
①  He
②  She
③  They
④  We
【单选题】 I fell and broke my leg when I_______riding my bike.
①  /
②  is
③  was
【单选题】 Kingsley took a lot of ______________ with her while traveling because she was doing scientific research on fish.
①  furniture
②  equipment
③  information
④  education
【单选题】 “If she could sew, she____ herself a shirt.”
①  would have made
②  will make
③  had made
④  made
【单选题】 酒精等“绿色燃料”的研发备受世界关注,利用玉米秸秆生成燃料酒精的大致流程是:玉米秸秆→糖液→酒精.由糖液到酒精的阶段需要的菌种是()。
①  A.酵母菌
②  B.乳酸菌
③  C.青霉菌
④  D.曲霉菌
【单选题】 农作物收割后留下大量的秸秆,从保护环境的角度考虑,下列有关秸秆的处理方法中不恰当的是()。
①  A.做饲料
②  B.制沼气
③  C.制作保温材料
④  D.就地焚烧
【单选题】 哪种施药方法不能延缓害虫抗药性()。
①  A.增加施药次数
②  B.不同类农药交替用
③  C.不同类农药混配用
④  D.成虫、幼虫分别用药
【单选题】 下列哪个山羊品种是我国产绒量最高的?()
①  A.中卫山羊
②  B.中卫山羊
③  C.辽宁绒山羊
④  D.雷州山羊
【单选题】 昆虫与人类关系的有益方面是().
①  A.直接危害人类栽培的各种植物;
②  B.危害人、畜健康,传染多种疾病
③  C.给植物传粉:
④  D.传播植物病害
【单选题】 昆虫的主要视觉器官是().
①  A.单眼
②  B.复眼
③  C.多眼
④  D.侧眼
【多选题】 蛴螬防治方法包括()
①  A药剂拌种
②  B药剂处理土壤
③  C灯光诱杀
④  D药剂诱杀
⑤  E生物防治
【多选题】 农药存放管理正确的是()。
①  A.农药存放地点要门窗牢固,通风条件好,设专人、专柜、分类标识进行保管
②  B.使用农药时由绿化领班负责领用、登记
③  C.可使用的有机磷杀虫剂包括滴滴涕(DDT)、秀百宫、敌百虫
④  D.应根据实际需要每季度制定采购计划,不应大批量存放
【多选题】 地方牧区的三个主要品种是()。
①  A.内蒙古白绒山羊
②  B.河西绒山羊
③  C.新疆山羊
④  D.关中奶山羊
【多选题】 绒山羊绒毛生长具有如下规律性()。
①  A.绒毛生长与营养关系密切
②  B.绒密度大,毛密度也大
③  C.光照变化与长绒关系密切,缩短光照刺激长绒
④  D.绒毛生长旺期为9-11月份