I feel [填空] better than several days ago.
【单选题】 Did the medicine make you feel better?No. The more _______, _______ I feel.
①  medicine I take; and the worse
②  medicine I take; the worse
③  I take medicine; the worse
④  I take medicine; worse
【单选题】 I [填空] it about two days ago.
①  have
②  has
③  had
④  having
【单选题】 “ Has he seen this film ? ” “Yes. He _________ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【单选题】 The first time I [填空] to Yunnan,I liked it very much.
①  come
②  came
③  comes
④  coming
【单选题】 “ Has he seen this film ? ” “Yes. He______ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【单选题】 9.“Has he seen this film?” “Yes. He _______ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【单选题】 The TV sets made in China are much better than ______ in Japan.
①  that
②  those
③  them
④  it
【单选题】 25.If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he ______ able to advise you much better than I can.
①  will be
②  was
③  would be
④  were
【单选题】 I think [填空] maths is more important than any other subject.
①  the
②  a
③  an
④  /
【单选题】 I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs twice ______.
①  as much
②  so much
③  that much
④  too much
【单选题】 检测骨骼肌异常的最特异、最灵敏的成像方法是
①  肌电图
②  CT
③  MRI
④  B超
⑤  X线
【单选题】 “技工手”首次报道的时间是
①  1976年
②  1979年
③  1982年
④  1989年
⑤  1991年
【单选题】 炎症性肌病诊断的“金标准”是
①  CT
②  肌电图
③  MRI
④  B超
⑤  肌肉活检
【单选题】 关于皮肤异色症的说法不正确的是
①  由毛细血管扩张、萎缩和色素沉着异常组成
②  通常在上胸部发现,臀部,大腿和髋部也不少见
③  皮肤病变可以是不对称的
④  呈紫色和萎缩性外观
⑤  急性病程
【单选题】 多发性肌炎的一般表现不包括
①  晨僵
②  食欲不振
③  腹泻
④  关节疼痛
⑤  发热
【单选题】 多发性肌炎一般不累及哪个部位肌肉
①  肩胛带
②  骨盆带肌
③  颈肌
④  咽喉肌
⑤  眼轮匝肌
【单选题】 最常见的肌肉外受累器官是
【单选题】 肌酶从受伤的骨骼肌泄漏到血清中,敏感性最高的是
①  ALD
②  CK
③  GOT
④  GPT
⑤  LDH
【单选题】 脑组织中的肌酸激酶同工酶是
①  CM-MB
②  CK-MM
③  CK-BB
④  AST
⑤  ALB
【单选题】 下列哪种情况可以引起肌酸激酶升高
①  高脂饮食
②  高糖饮食
③  饮酒
④  剧烈运动
⑤  睡眠