下列不是施工图预算的编制依据的是( )
【判断题】 施工图预算应依据定额,标底、投标报价、签订承包合同、企业内部承包责任制可不依据定额。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 相同的工程量、材料预算价格、机械台班预算价格、取费标准,采用概算定额编制的造价比预算定额编制的造价低。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ()是编制施工图预算及确定和控制建筑安装工程工程造价的依据。
①  施工定额
②  预算定额
③  概算指标
④  概算定额
【判断题】 施工预算和施工图预算的编制依据是相同的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )是编制施工图预算及确定和控制建筑安装工程造价的依据。
①  施工定额
②  预算定额
③  概算定额
④  概算指标
【单选题】 ()是编制预算定额的基础
①  施工定额
②  预算定额
③  概算指标
④  概算定额
【单选题】 施工图预算编制的依据不包含( )等。
①  施工组织设计
②  经批准的设计概算文件
③  预算工作手册
④  影响项目投资的动态因素
【多选题】 施工图预算是在施工图设计完成后,以施工图为依据,根据______进行编制的。
①  预算定额
②  设计概算
③  地区人工、材料、机械台班的预算价格
④  取费标准
【单选题】 预算定额的编制基础是______。
①  概算定额
②  施工定额
③  概算指标
④  估算定额
【判断题】 施工图预算是在施工图设计完成后、工程开工前,由建设单位(或施工单位)根据施工图及相关资料编制,用于确定单项或单位工程预算造价及工料的经济文件。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Most electronic devices of this kind, ____ manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.
①  that are
②  as are
③  which is
④  it is
【单选题】 I am very ____sitting on this old, broken chair.
①  comfortably
②  uncomfortably
③  commonly
④  uncommonly
【单选题】 Tom ____more than twenty pounds on the novel.
①  spent
②  paid
③  cost
④  took
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____ .?
①  fare ?
②  charge ?
③  money ?
④  pay?
【单选题】 Theorganizationhad ____ hisrequestforresearchfunding.
①  agreed
②  returned
③  objected
④  rejected
【单选题】 Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ____ after an operation.
①  wait
②  time
③  patience
④  rest
【单选题】 We solved the problem by using a computer rather than ____ it all by hand.
①  to do
②  do
③  does
④  having done
【单选题】 ____ we could not live at all.
①  If it was not for the sun
②  If it shouldn’t be for the sun
③  Were it not for the sun
④  Had it not been for the sun
【单选题】 Certainly there is no____ evidence that living together increases the chance of sickness.
①  secret
②  scientific
③  serious
④  sensitive
【单选题】 I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ____ in a quiet neighborhood.
①  all in all
②  after all
③  above all
④  over all