以下不是复合材料的是( )。
【单选题】 以下不是复合材料的是( )。
①  混凝土
②  灰砂砖
③  铝合金
④  三合板
【单选题】 蒸压灰砂砖(简称灰砂砖)是以( )。
①  黏土、页岩、煤矸石为主要原料,经焙烧而成的主要用于非承重部位的空心砖
②  石灰和砂为主要原料,经坯料制备、压制成型,再经高压饱和蒸汽养护而成的砖
③  黏土、页岩、煤矸石为主要原料,经坯料制备、压制成型的砖
④  石灰和砂为主要原料,经焙烧而成的砖
【单选题】 下列材料中,属于复合材料的是( )。
①  钢筋混凝土
②  建筑塑料
③  建筑石油沥青
【判断题】 空调风管一般采用矩形,材料一般是镀锌钢板、复合材料
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 按照组成物质的种类及化学成分,将材料分为有机材料、无机材料和复合材料。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列属于铝合金门窗的基本构造()。
①  铝合金门的开启方式多采用地弹簧自由门
②  铝合金门窗玻璃的固定有空心铝压条和专用密封条两种方法
③  现在大部分铝合金门窗玻璃的固定采用空心铝压条
④  平开、地弹簧、直流拖动都是铝合金门窗的开启方式
⑤  采用专用密封条会直接影响窗的密封性能
【单选题】 门、窗按照所用材料可分为: 木、钢 、铝合金、玻璃钢、塑料、钢筋混凝土门窗等几种。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 砖砌体的灰缝厚度是()。
①  10mm
②  6mm
③  15mm
④  20mm
【单选题】 砖砌体的灰缝厚度是:
①  8±2mm
②  10±2mm
③  12±2mm
④  20±2mm
【判断题】 铝合金气缸体具有良好的焊接性能
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Dont tell me youve got a headache again. B: [填空].
①  Sorry, I wont be late next time
②  Youre right, Im just joking
③  All right, I wont say it
④  OK, youve made your point
【单选题】 A: Im sorry. Those shoes are not available in your size. B: [填空].
①  No use saying sorry. Thats a real let down
②  Im truly grateful for your help
③  Its just as Ive expected
④  Thats a pity. Thank you anyway
【单选题】 A: [填空]? B: Yes, Id like to open a savings account.
①  What do you want to do, sir
②  Why have you come here
③  Do you have anything to do here
④  Can I help you, sir
【单选题】 A: Bill told me he could not come here because his father was ill. B: [填空]
①  Its good.
②  Thats bad.
③  He is impolite.
④  What a pity!
【单选题】 A: Do you know Marks phone number? B: [填空] . A: OK. I might as well look it up in the phone book.
①  Just a second
②  Not that I know of
③  I cant think of it now
④  Why ask?
【单选题】 A: How long can I keep the book? B: [填空].
①  Any period longer than four weeks, you will be fined
②  Four weeks, but you can renew it if you need it longer
③  You can check it on the computer over there
④  At most four weeks if you dont mind
【单选题】 A: Is it time for us to set off now? B: [填空]. We’ll have to wait for one more hour.
①  Certainly, it is
②  Thats all right
③  Sorry, I am afraid not
④  Sorry,its too long
【单选题】 A: We had a trip to China this summer. B: [填空] A: Yes, we did. In fact, we even encountered a lion.
①  Didnt you?
②  How did it go?
③  I guess you did.
④  I bet you had a great time.
【单选题】 A: Can you give me a hand? B: [填空].
①  I can give you both hands
②  Im all yours
③  The pleasure is mine
④  Ill watch your back
【单选题】 A: When does the next train for London leave? B: Theres one leaving at 8 oclock. A: [填空]
①  Are you sure?
②  OK. I dont want to be late.
③  Thanks. Could you wait for me?
④  Id like one ticket, please.