A: Hello, could I speak to Jack, please? B: Who are you?
【单选题】 A: Hello, [填空] Can I help you? B: Yes, this is Lin Xiaoyan. Could I speak to Mark Strong, please?
①  Who are you?
②  Whos speaking?
③  Im the secretary.
④  ABHK Bank.
【判断题】 A: Could I speak to John, please? B: No, you cant.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Hello. May I speak to John, please? B: Speaking. A: [填空]
①  How do you do?
②  Glad to hear your voice.
③  Fine, thats good
④  Hi, John. This is Linda
【单选题】 -- Could I speak to John Harris, please.
①  Oh, how are you
②  I’m John
③  I’m listening
④  Speaking
【单选题】 Hello, I’d like to speak to Mark, please.
①  Yes, I’m Mark
②  This is Mark speaking
③  It’s me here
④  This is me
【单选题】 A: Hello, this is Bill. Id like to speak with Mr Wang, please. B: [填空]
①  Who is speaking over there?
②  Sorry, he is not available at the moment.
③  Can you tell me who you are?
④  Theres no one here by that name.
【判断题】 A: Can I speak to Mr. Johnson, please? B: Hold on, please.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Client: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Turner?Secretary: ___________
①  I’m sorry. He’s at a meeting now..
②  I am. Speak, please.
③  Hello! Who’re you, please?
④  Hello! Thank you for calling.
【单选题】 Client: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Turner? Secretary: ___________
①  I’m sorry. He’s at a meeting now..
②  I am. Speak, please.
③  Hello! Who’re you, please?
④  Hello! Thank you for calling.
【单选题】 —Could I borrow your dictionary? —I’d get it for you ____I could remember who last borrowed it.
①  except that
②  unless
③  only if
④  if only
【单选题】 有一台离心泵,原来以3000转/分的转速转动,现在改为2000转/分,那么泵的流量为原来的( )。
①  不变
②  2/3
③  1/2
【单选题】 泵灌不满的原因是()。
①  震动
②  压力表已坏
③  停车
④  底阀已坏
【单选题】 填料过热甚至烧坏的原因不可能是()。
①  填料压得太紧
②  轴已损坏
③  润滑油不良
④  冷却水进不去
【单选题】 不属于容积式压缩机的是( )。
①  滑片式
②  轴流式
③  往复式
④  螺杆式
【单选题】 一往复式压缩机排气量为60m3/min,它属于( )压缩机。
①  中型
②  小型
③  大型
④  微型
【单选题】 下列压缩过程耗功最大的是( )。
①  不确定?
②  多变压缩
③  绝热压缩
④  等温压缩
【单选题】 气体在离心式压缩机扩压器中压力将( )。
①  降低
②  升高
③  压力不变
④  速度升高,压力降低
【单选题】 ( )可能是造成真空滴油管注油泵不泵油。
①  至注油单向阀管道漏
②  注油单向阀接头漏
③  注油单向阀堵塞
④  注油单向阀关闭不严
【单选题】 要使压缩机组无负荷,应( )。
①  打开压缩机出站阀门
②  卸下压缩机排气阀
③  卸下压缩机的进气阀
④  打开旁通阀和放空阀
【单选题】 要求连接强度高、拆卸方便应采用( )连接方法。
①  承插连接
②  法兰连接
③  焊接连接
④  螺纹连接