It take me two hours to finish my work today.
【单选题】 The test [填空] him two hours to finish.
①  take
②  takes
③  took
④  taking
【单选题】 Ill finish my adult education courses_________ two years.
①  in
②  on
③  until
④  by
【单选题】 “Which of these two ties will you take?” “I’ll take ____to give me a change sometimes.”?
①  either ?
②  both ?
③  neither ?
④  all?
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition . I ________ for two hours and a half.
①  have written it
②  have been writing it
③  wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition . I________ for two hours and a half.
①  have written it
②  have been writing it
③  wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition. I ___ for two hours and a half.
①  ?have written it
②  ?have been writing it
③  ?wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I __________ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 A: May I use your computer this afternoon? B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today. A: [填空].
①  It doesnt matter
②  Thank you just the same
③  Do as you please
④  Never mind
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I_______ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 My father_______take me to travel when I was a child.
①  was used to
②  used
③  used to
【单选题】 在戏曲的角色行当中,扮演女角色的统称是( )。
【判断题】 审美性是服饰的第一要素。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 福建土楼以历史悠久、种类繁多、规模宏大、结构奇巧、功能齐全、内涵丰富著称,具有极高的历史、艺术和科学价值,被誉为“东方古城堡”、“世界建筑奇葩”、“世界上独一无二的、神话般的山区建筑模式”。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国是世界上最早使用丝绸的国家。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 如果客厅房间比较散乱,客人到后表示歉意并稍整理一下客人的座位即可,不要忙乱地收拾房间,那会让客人感到尴尬。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 战国后期,以爱国主义诗人屈原为代表的楚国诗人创造了新体诗——楚辞,句式以六言、七言为主,长短参差,灵活多变,多用语气词“兮”字。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下属于科学世界观的是( )。
①  世界是物质的,是可被认知的,并能被人完全认知
②  尊重客观规律能够让我们与世界和谐相处
③  科学技术在不断发展
④  中华优秀文化对认识自然和社会、发展科学和技术具有重要作用
【多选题】 古诗文常提到的“岁寒三友”指的是( )。
【多选题】 活人雕塑也属于一种行为艺术,也称( )。
①  身体艺术
②  行动艺术
③  表演艺术
④  视觉艺术
【单选题】 中国获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家是( )。
①  陈忠实
②  王安忆
③  莫言
④  贾平凹