I [填空] a big toy.
【单选题】 Does Robert have [填空] computer? —Yes,he has [填空] .
①  an,some
②  a,one
③  a,/
④  any,one
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 A: Were having a few people over for dinner Saturday. [填空] B: Oh, thank you. That would be great.
①  Are you doing anything then?
②  Wed love to have you around.
③  Itll be a lot of fun.
④  Have you heard about it?
【单选题】 A: I didnt know you play basketball. Are you having fun? B: Im having a great time. [填空] What are you doing?
①  Great!
②  How about you?
③  I miss it so much
④  Do you know billiards?
【单选题】 He has been to Beijing . So [填空] I.
①  have
②  does
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 Can I have the records [填空] I lent you?
①  that
②  whom
③  those
④  whose
【单选题】 The family were having dinner when the ______ buzzer of the door sounded.
①  quiet@muted
②  silent
③  low
【单选题】 When we were having a party, the host _______ the bad news.
①  was telling
②  was told
③  could tell
【单选题】 I listened to journalists [填空]were excited about the changes.
①  which
②  whom
③  whose
④  who
【单选题】 I have been at home [填空]Sunday.
①  on
②  for
③  at
④  since
【单选题】 关于强心苷的描述,正确的是( )。
①  强心苷的作用与交感神经受体有关
②  其极性越大,口服吸收率越高
③  具有负性频率作用
④  可用于室性心动过速
⑤  安全范围小,易中毒
【单选题】 关于氨基己酸的描述,错误的是( )。
①  局部止血时起效较快
②  高剂量直接抑制纤溶酶的蛋白溶解酶活性
③  对慢性渗血效果较差
④  低剂量抑制纤维酶原的活化作用
⑤  口服生物利用率较高
【单选题】 放疗时白细胞减少可选用( )。
①  重组人促红素
②  肝素
③  重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子
④  重组组织型纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂
⑤  阿司匹林
【单选题】 以下关于5型磷酸二酯酶抑制剂的描述,正确的是( )。
①  口服吸收迅速
②  主要经过肾脏代谢
③  代谢产物不具有活性
④  蛋白结合率较低
⑤  口服后生物利用度较高
【单选题】 下列药物中,不属于雌激素的是( )。
①  雌二醇
②  黄体酮
③  雌三醇
④  炔雌醇
⑤  尼尔雌醇
【单选题】 排卵后第7~8天黄体成熟,孕酮分泌达高峰,浓度达多少以上( )。
①  15ng/ml
②  5ng/ml
③  50ng/ml
④  2ng/ml
⑤  100ng/ml
【单选题】 关于双胍类药物的作用特点描述,错误的是( )。
①  抑制胰高血糖素的分泌
②  不与蛋白结合,不被代谢,尿中排出
③  不会降低正常的血糖
④  提高靶组织对胰岛素的敏感性
⑤  促进组织摄取葡萄糖
【单选题】 可导致“类流感样”反应的药物是( )。
①  钙剂
②  阿仑膦酸钠
③  氯屈膦酸
④  帕米膦酸钠
⑤  依替膦酸钠
【单选题】 下列哪种属于长效青霉素( )。
①  阿莫西林
②  苯唑西林
③  哌拉西林
④  苄星青霉素
⑤  青霉素V
【单选题】 下列对铜绿假单胞菌作用最强的抗菌药物是( )。
①  头孢噻肟
②  头孢甲肟
③  头孢曲松
④  头孢吡肟
⑤  头孢美唑