They come from different [填空].
a country
【单选题】 Social [] vary greatly from country to country.
①  customs
②  habits
【单选题】 Our Chinese tradition is quite different _____ we only want to defend our own country, not to invade other countries.
①  because
②  for
③  in that
④  that
【判断题】 Each country has not its own laws about what can or cannot be brought from abroad.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The ( )situation for this country is promising.
①  overall
②  wholly
③  completely
④  maximal
【单选题】 The birth rate of the country decreases ______ with years.
①  extremely
②  approximately
③  progressively
【单选题】 He denied that his country wants to () Europe.
①  dominate
②  control
③  document
④  domestic
【单选题】 When we drove to the country, we saw many _____.
①  herds of cattles
②  herds of catt
③  herd of cattle
④  herd of cattles
【单选题】 It may only be through repeated experiments _______ a baby will come to accept the idea _______ other people can have different views from what he or she has.
①  how;which
②  how;that
③  that;that
④  which;which
【单选题】 They drew different ______________ from the facts.
①  attentions
②  examinations
③  decisions
④  conclusions
【单选题】 _________ English is different from __________ English.
①  writing, speaking
②  written, spoken
【单选题】 对激素型除草剂的药害施救可采用的办法是()
①  A增施化学肥料
②  B大水漫灌
③  C喷施赤霉素或撒草木灰
④  D滴灌
【单选题】 杀鼠剂投放一般具有的特点是()
①  A一次大剂量
②  B多次小剂量
③  C多次大剂量
④  D一次小剂量
【单选题】 对激素型除草剂的药害施救可采用的办法是()
①  A增施化学肥料
②  B大水漫灌
③  C喷施赤霉素或撒草木灰
④  D涂抹法
【判断题】 (?)通过对主梢摘心能促使夏芽副梢上的花芽加速分化。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 萝卜适宜生长温度为25—30度。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 蔬菜种子饱满度常用“千粒重”表示。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 专利权是一种知识产权,它具有狭义知识产权的全部特性
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 涉农专利是产生于种植业、林业、畜牧业和渔业等产业,包括与其直接相关的产前、产中、产后服务的专利
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有计划地轮换使用农药,可以减缓病、虫、草、鼠的抗药性
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 遵守农药使用安全间隔期是避免农药残留超标的有效措施
①  正确
②  错误