How many [填空] can I take?
【单选题】 How [填空] rice do you need?
①  much
②  many
③  long
④  about
【单选题】 How about [填空] cakes? ---Thank you.
①  some
②  any
③  many
④  little
【单选题】 A: How long does it take to get to your house by bus? B: [填空]. I think the tube is your best choice. A: Many thanks.
①  I dont know yet
②  It depends on the traffic
③  Let me see
④  Youll consider the distance
【单选题】 A: How much is that rice, please? B: [填空].
①  Four Kilo
②  Very much
③  Four are enough
④  Four yuan a kilo
【单选题】 A: Must I take a train? B: No, you [填空]. You can take a plane.
①  dont
②  must not
③  dont have to
④  can not
【单选题】 A: How long can I keep the book? B: [填空].
①  Any period longer than four weeks, you will be fined
②  Four weeks, but you can renew it if you need it longer
③  You can check it on the computer over there
④  At most four weeks if you dont mind
【单选题】 I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner.
①  Thank you. You shouldn’t’ do that
②  Thanks, I’d like to go with you
③  No, you can’t say so
④  No, no, You can’t do that
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____ .?
①  fare ?
②  charge ?
③  money ?
④  pay?
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of ____.
①  fare
②  charge
③  money
④  pay
【单选题】 How many books do you have? I have [填空] book.Thats [填空] English book.
①  a,an
②  a,one
③  on,an
④  one,one
【单选题】 Java系统标准输出对象System.out使用的输出流是( )。
①  PrintStream
②  PrintWriter
③  DataOutputStream
④  FileReader
【单选题】 能读入字节数据进行Java基本数据类型判断过虑的类是( )。
①  BufferedInputStream
②  FileInputStream
③  DataInputStream
④  FileReader
【单选题】 运行下面程序时,会产生什么异常?( ) public class X7_1_5 { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] z = { 1,2,3,4 } ; int p = z[4]; int x = 0; int y = 5/x; } }
①  ArithmeticException
②  NumberFormatException
③  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
④  IOException
【单选题】 下列哪一个是Java系统的标准输入流对象( )。
①  System.out
②  System.in
③  System.exit
④  System.err
【单选题】 下列关于线程优先级的说法中,错误的一项是( )。
①  MIN_PRIORITY 代表最低优先级
②  MAX_PRIORITY 代表最高优先级
③  NORM_PRIORITY 代表普通优先级
④  代表优先级的常数值越大优先级越低
【单选题】 下面哪个可以改变容器的布局?( )
①  setLayout(aLayoutManager);
②  addLayout(aLayoutManager);
③  layout(aLayoutManager);
④  setLayoutManager(aLayoutManager);
【单选题】 下列哪种异常是检查型异常,需要在编写程序时声明 ( )
①  NullPointerException
②  ClassCastException
③  FileNotFoundException
④  IndexOutOfBoundsException
【单选题】 下列哪些语句关于Java内存回收的说明是正确的? ( )
①  程序员必须创建一个线程来释放内存
②  内存回收程序负责释放无用内存
③  内存回收程序允许程序员直接释放内存
④  内存回收程序可以在指定的时间释放内存对象
【单选题】 下列说法中,正确的一项是( )。
①  A. 单处理机的计算机上,2 个线程实际上不能并发执行
②  单处理机的计算机上,2 个线程实际上能够并发执行
③  一个线程可以包含多个进程
④  一个进程只能包含一个线程
【单选题】 Character流与Byte流的区别是( )
①  每次读入的字节数不同
②  前者带有缓冲,后者没有
③  前者是字符读写,后者是字节读写
④  二者没有区别,可以互换使用