There are [填空] books in your bag. But there aren’t [填空] pens in it.
some, some
any ,some
some, any
【单选题】 Here is some ____ advice to any young businessman.
①  variable
②  worthwhile
③  worthy
④  value
【单选题】 11. -Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008? -I don’t think so. Now ______ the young ______ the old can speak some English.
①  either…or
②  not only… but also
③  neither…nor
④  both…or
【单选题】 Rob has some[填空].
①  leaf
②  leave
③  leafs
④  leaves
【单选题】 There ____ a pencil, two books and some paper.
①  are
②  be
③  am
④  is
【单选题】 Would you like some [填空]?
①  potato
②  potatos
③  potatoes
④  potatos
【单选题】 There [填空] some chopsticks on the table.
①  are
②  is
③  have
④  was
【单选题】 Some [填空] are swimming in the river.
①  child
②  boy
③  boys
④  childs
【单选题】 Would you like some [填空]?
①  potato
②  potatos
③  potatoes
④  potato's
【单选题】 David, there a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.
①  is
②  are
③  have
④  has
【单选题】 We haven`t had any success _______.
①  before long
②  so long
③  by far
④  so far
【判断题】 吃黑色的食物有补肾的作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 蜂蜜水可以解决大便不规律。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 我国界定于残疾的分类包括()
①  A.视力残疾
②  B.听力语言残疾
③  C.智力残疾
④  D.肢体残疾
【多选题】 大脑的组织分层包括()
①  A.头皮
②  B.筋膜
③  C.颅板
④  D.硬脑膜
【多选题】 痴呆的七大危险因素包括()
①  A.抑郁、糖尿病、吸烟
②  B.低受教育程度
③  C.中年肥胖,高血压
④  D.缺乏锻炼
【多选题】 痴呆的核心病症有()
①  A.日常生活能力下降
②  B.认知功能下降
③  C.社交行为不恰当
④  D.并发症
【多选题】 肝肾阴虚的现象有()
①  A四肢无力
②  B腰酸背痛
③  C高血压
④  D失眠
【多选题】 疾病的起因()
①  A内因
②  B外因
③  C不内外因
④  D没有原因
【多选题】 感冒根据感受邪气的不一样,体质强弱的不一样,表现的症状不一样可以分为()两大类
①  A.风寒感冒
②  B.风热感冒
③  C.过敏性感冒
④  D.流行性感冒
【多选题】 阴阳五行学说里,阴阳表达自然万物的属性。五行表达自然万物()的关系
①  A相生
②  B相辅
③  C相成
④  D相制