He [填空] up to work at eight o’clock.
【单选题】 It was 12 o’clock _______we got home from the party yesterday.
①  when
②  what
③  which
【单选题】 He _______ working before 6 o’clock.
①  usually has finished
②  has usually finished
③  usually finished
【单选题】 Tom used to get up late, _____ he?
①  used
②  shouldn’ t
③  did
④  didn’ t
【单选题】 He [填空] for eight hours every day.
①  working
②  to work
③  works
④  worked
【单选题】 I ____ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m. .
①  needn’t have got
②  didn’t need to get
③  shouldn’t have got
④  can’t have got
【单选题】 He’s got an assignment in Tokyo, so he _______work abroad.
①  is going to
②  wants
③  would like to
【单选题】 We traveled to Korea and arrived [填空] 7 o’clock [填空] the morning.
①  on; in
②  at; in
③  at; on
④  in; on
【单选题】 Tom [填空] get up a little earlier tomorrow.
①  needs
②  need
③  need to
④  needs to
【单选题】 He [填空] to work next month.
①  is starting
②  starts
③  will start
④  started
【单选题】 He often goes to [填空] work by [填空] bus.
①  the,the
②  a,a
③  /,/
④  the,a
【单选题】 38.“诗鬼”是( )的称号。
①  A.孟郊
②  B.贾岛
③  C.李贺
【判断题】 39.《山石》诗是韩愈的诗歌。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “韩孟诗派”是中唐的诗歌流派吗?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 32.“韩孟诗派”是晚唐时期的一个诗歌流派。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 34.“元白”是元稹和白居易的并称。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 31.“元白诗派”是中唐时期的一个诗歌流派。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 37.“云横秦岭家何在,雪拥蓝关马不前”出自( )。
①  A.《左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘》
②  B.《江雪》
③  C.《山石》
【单选题】 31.提出“元轻白俗”这一说法的是( )。
①  A.王安石
②  B.杜牧
③  C.苏轼
【单选题】 35.中唐诗歌的高潮期是( )。
①  A.大历时期
②  B.贞元、元和之际
③  C.长庆年间
【单选题】 34.韩孟诗派的诗歌又被称为( )。
①  A.通俗诗
②  B.软体诗
③  C.硬体诗