A lot of boys in our school were born [填空] August.
【单选题】 Bob is one of the [填空] in our school.
①  foreigner
②  foreigners
③  foreigneres
④  foreigneries
【单选题】 [填空] girl over there is [填空] popular student in our school.
①  A,an
②  The,a
③  The,the
④  A,the
【单选题】 A lot of students ____ the campus since July 1.
①  have left
②  leave
③  left
④  is leaving
【单选题】 ?There are altogether fifty students in our class, twenty____ are boys. ?
①  of them ?
②  of those ?
③  of whom ?
④  of whose ?
【单选题】 It takes a lot of ____ to put on a school play such as King Lear.
①  organization
②  arrangement
③  management
④  preparation
【单选题】 A: I thought you were working until 6:30. B: [填空], but we finished our meeting at 5:30 and were let go.
①  I tried to
②  I hoped so
③  Id love to
④  I was supposed to
【单选题】 A survey was carried out on the death rate of new born babies in that region,________were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 Not only ______ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.
①  we lost
②  lost we
③  we did lose
④  did we lose
【单选题】 19.Our school library is ________ closed for repairs.
①  shortly
②  quickly
③  temporarily
④  rapidly
【多选题】 All the students in our school ____________ in the hall to hear a lecture.
①  collected
②  gathered
③  assembled
④  doubled
【判断题】 被保险人或其允许的合法驾驶人根据有关法律法规规定选择自行协商方式处理交通事故的,应当立即通知保险人。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 方式和费用的,保险人可以重新核定。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 单位投保应盖公章,若投保人携带了单位有关证明,签个人名也可以,但须将有关证明附在后面。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国汽车保险费率正处于从人费率向从车费率的转变。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 基本险也称为主险。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 发生保险事故时,被保险人应在保险事故发生后()小时内通知保险人,否则,造成损失无法确定或扩大的部分,保险人不承担赔偿责任。
①  24小时
②  48小时
③  64小时
④  36小时
【单选题】 在第三者责任险中,被保险机动车负主要责任的,事故责任比例为()。
①  30%
②  50%
③  70%
④  80%
【单选题】 根据现场拍摄的一般步骤,第二步应该拍摄现场的()。
①  概貌
②  方位
③  重点部位
④  细节
【单选题】 保险公司在决定是否修理与更换汽车零部件时,中等价值的,一般修理费用应不高于新件价值的()
①  20%
②  30%
③  40%
④  50%
【单选题】 根据2012版《机动车辆商业保险示范条款》,机动车损失保险条款中规定“被保险机动车一方负次要事故责任的,实行()的事故责任免赔率;
①  20%
②  15%
③  10%
④  5%