A hospital was built [填空] the railway station.
next to
【单选题】 It was I [填空] met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.
①  what
②  which
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 The rent is reasonable, and ( ), the subway station is near by .
①  therefore
②  since
③  for
④  moreover
【单选题】 Mary hopes to be ___ from hospital next week.
①  dismissed
②  discharged
③  expelled
④  resigned
【单选题】 Its reported that a new hospital _____________here next year.
①  would be set up
②  was going to set up
③  will be set up
④  is going to set up
【单选题】 Sports and leisure centres are[填空] built.
①  be
②  been
③  /
④  being
【单选题】 A: Is there a bank near here? B: [填空].
①  Its very far
②  Its here
③  Yes, there is a big one
④  Its very crowded
【单选题】 You had better [填空] in the hospital.
①  stayed
②  stay
③  stays
④  staying
【单选题】 When I arrived at the station, he[填空] the train.
①  left
②  leave
③  having left
④  had left
【单选题】 [填空] a show next Sunday?
①  There will be
②  Will there be
③  There can be
④  There are
【单选题】 He [填空] here next year.
①  isnt working
②  doesnt working
③  isnt going to working
④  wont work
【判断题】 人格权是为实现人身自由和人格尊严,依法支配生命、健康、姓名、名誉、隐私、肖像等人格利益的权利。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 精神性人格权可以进行一定的商业支配和利用。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 从20世纪90年代中期以来,新制定或修改民法典的国家,人格权已经逐渐地开始成节、成章、成编了。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 民法典人格权编是形式意义上的人格权法。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人格权当中的人格可以等同于人的主体资格。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人格权包含非财产性权利和财产性权利。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 具体人格权是指自然人享有的基于人身自由、人格尊严产生的其他人格权益。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在任何情况下,自然人都应当随父姓或者母姓。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人格权侵权主要依赖人格权编来解决。。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 性骚扰的受害对象只能是女性。。
①  正确
②  错误