Let’s [填空] this music, shall we?
listen to
listens to
【单选题】 He________listen to pop music,but now he________dancing.
①  is used to;used to
②  used to;is used to
③  used to;is used for
④  is used for;used to
【单选题】 18. He ______ listen to pop music, but now he ______dancing.
①  is used to; used to
②  used to; is used to
③  used to; is used for
④  is used for; used to
【单选题】 — We have to stop talking here. Listen, _____! —Hurry up, or we’ ll be late.
①  There goes the bell
②  There does the bell go
③  There the bell goes
④  Goes the bell there
【单选题】 Our manager is so __________ in his thinking, he never listens to new ideas.
①  rigid
②  tedious
③  boring
④  vivid
【单选题】 If you listen to the tape again and again, you may ____.
①  want to retell the general meaning of what you hear from the tape
②  feel so bored that you cannot understand what you hear from the tape
③  understand what you hear from the tape better and better
④  repeat the exact words you hear from the tape
【单选题】 My mother [填空] music and often [填空] to music.
①  like,listen
②  likes,listens
③  like,are listening
④  liking,listen
【单选题】 2. Listen to the two girls by the window. What language _________?
①  didyouspeak
②  weretheyspeaking
③  aretheyspeaking
④  havetheybeenspeaking
【单选题】 _______ I enjoy most is _______ I can come and listen to the concert.
①  That,that
②  What,that
③  What,what
【单选题】 A: Shall we go out for dinner tonight? B: [填空].
①  You are right
②  Have a nice time
③  Thats a good idea
④  My pleasure
【单选题】 No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ____going on in the world.
①  it is
②  as is
③  there is
④  what is
【单选题】 一般而言,企业资金成本最高的筹资方式是()。
①  发行债券
②  长期借款
③  发行普通股
④  发行优先股
【单选题】 企业流动资产与速动资产的区别在于:速动资产不含()。
①  货币资金
②  短期投资
③  存货
④  应收账款
【单选题】 长期债券是指偿还期限超过()的债券。
①  3个月
②  6个月
③  9个月
④  1年
【单选题】 对存货进行ABC类划分的最基本标准是()。
①  重量标准
②  品种数量标准
③  金额标准
④  品种数量和金额标准
【单选题】 货币时间价值形成的原因是()。
①  流动偏好
②  消费倾向
③  边际效应
④  经营增值
【单选题】 下列公式中,不正确的是()。
①  应收账款周转率=销售收入/应收账款
②  市净率=每股市价/每股净资产
③  长期资本负债率=非流动负债/(非流动负债+股东权益)
④  利息保障倍数=净利润/利息费用
【单选题】 如果上市公司以其应付票据作为股利支付给股东,则这种股利的方式称为()。
①  现金股利
②  股票股利
③  财产股利
④  负债股利
【单选题】 如果财务杠杆系数为1.5倍,其中息税前利润变动率为20%,则普通股每股收益变动率为()。
①  26.67%
②  15%
③  30%
④  40%
【单选题】 企业采取宽松的营运资金持有政策,产生的结果是()。
①  收益性较高,资金流动性较低
②  资金流动性较高,风险较低
③  收益性较低,风险较低
④  收益性较高,资金流动性较高
【多选题】 财务管理学和会计学的主要区别有()。
①  两者的职能不同
②  两者的依据不同
③  两者的对象不同
④  两者面向的时间不同