I go to the gym [填空] a week.
【单选题】 A: I go to the gym twice a week. B: [填空] You look really fit and healthy.
①  Thats right!
②  I can tell.
③  No way!
④  Poor you!
【单选题】 I try to___ swimming at least once a week.
①  do
②  play
③  go
【判断题】 I have my house cleaned once a week.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I have two hobbies. One is fishing, ____ is cooking.
①  another
②  the other
③  else
④  other
【单选题】 He said that his sister ?[填空]been there one week before
①  had
②  has
③  have
④  will have
【单选题】 Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _______ one.
①  three
②  third
③  forth
④  不填
【单选题】 I often go to work on [填空].
①  foot
②  feet
③  foots
④  feets
【单选题】 Every time when I go back to my hometown, I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
①  going the rounds of
②  rounding up
③  making the rounds of
④  rounding on
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【单选题】 The first time I [填空] to Yunnan,I liked it very much.
①  come
②  came
③  comes
④  coming
【单选题】 广播新闻采用“节目主持人”这一名称,在我国开始于
①  80年代初期
②  80年代中期
③  80年代末期
④  90年代初期
【简答题】 名称解释:社群营销
【简答题】 请你谈谈当下传媒业对人才需求的变化有哪些?
【简答题】 构成社群的五个要素包括:同好、结构、[填空1]、运营、复制
【简答题】 Xmind可以用来快速创建[填空]
【简答题】 创客贴是用来进行[填空1]的便捷工具
【简答题】 构成社群的五个要素包括:同好、结构、输出、运营、[填空1]
【简答题】 如何理解新闻评论论题要有新思想。
【简答题】 如何理解新闻评论要“吃透两头”。
【简答题】 [填空] [填空][填空] [填空]都是直接阐明观点的论证方法。