Do your sister sell goods in the market?
【单选题】 These goods are _____ for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.
①  essentially
②  completely
③  necessarily
④  remarkably
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables _____the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 EBay, Amazon and WalMart are popular websites ___ people can sell goods to each other.
①  where
②  which
③  when
④  whose
【单选题】 1.The movie star ______ with your sister, didn’t he?
①  was used to dance
②  used to dancing
③  used to dance
④  was used to dancing
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Should you jog too? If you do, be sure to ask your doctor for an advice.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 What do your see in the show?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You should know better than ____ your little sister at home by herself.
①  to leave
②  leaving
③  to have left
④  left
【单选题】 You should know better than _____your little sister at home by herself.
①  to leave
②  leaving
③  to have left
④  left
【单选题】 What do you [填空] your brother?
①  think
②  think of
③  thinking
④  thought
【单选题】 属于阳离子型表面活性剂的是( )。
①  卵磷脂
②  单甘油酯
③  肥皂类
④  硫酸化蓖麻油
⑤  苯扎溴铵
【单选题】 注射剂的pH一般允许在()
①  5~7
②  4
③  7
④  4~8
⑤  4~9
【单选题】 下列有关滴眼剂的叙述,错误的是()
①  正常眼可耐受一定的PH
②  滴眼剂应与泪液等渗
③  增加滴眼剂的黏度,使药物扩散速度减小,不利于药物的吸收
④  可适当添加抑菌剂
⑤  滴眼剂是直接用于眼部的外用液体制剂
【单选题】 鞣酸制成栓剂不宜选用的基质为()
①  可可豆脂
②  甘油明胶
③  半合成山苍子油酯
④  半合成橄榄油酯
⑤  半合成椰子油酯
【单选题】 适宜制成胶囊剂的药物是( )。
①  易风化的药物
②  吸湿性强的药物
③  刺激性强的易溶性药物
④  药物的水溶液或稀乙醇溶液
⑤  油类药物
【单选题】 下列丸剂中适用于急症的剂型是()
①  滴丸
②  大蜜丸
③  水丸
④  水蜜丸
⑤  浓缩丸
【单选题】 适于呼吸道给药的速效剂型是()
①  水溶性基质滴丸
②  滴鼻液
③  鼻用凝胶
④  鼻腔栓
⑤  吸入型气雾剂
【单选题】 根据药典、药品标准等将药物加工制成具有一定规格,可直接用于临床的药物制品,称为( )。
①  中成药
②  制剂
③  单味中药
④  炮制
⑤  剂型
【单选题】 除另有规定外,流浸膏剂的贮藏条件为()
①  遮光,密封,置阴凉处
②  密闭,置阴凉处
③  避光密封
④  30℃以下密封
⑤  密封
【单选题】 不属于真溶液型液体制剂的常用剂型是()
①  醑剂
②  乳浊液
③  甘油剂
④  溶液剂
⑤  芳香水剂