He went home in night.
【单选题】 He [填空] much last night.
①  smokes
②  smoke
③  smoked
④  smoking
【单选题】 He arrived [填空] Guiyang [填空] night.
①  in; in
②  to; at
③  in; at
④  at; in
【单选题】 28.1. He sleeps during _____ day and works at _____ night.
①  the ;/
②  a;/
③  / ;the
④  one;/
【单选题】 When father was young, he ______from morning till night.
①  was made work
②  was made working
③  made to work
④  was made to work
【单选题】 A: I went on a date with Susan last weekend. B: Really? [填空]? A: I couldnt ask for a better night.
①  Is she nice
②  How was it
③  Is it a beautiful night
④  Did you like her
【单选题】 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.
①  must study
②  should have studied
③  must have studied
④  is sure to study
【单选题】 9. He must have got into your room ______ at night.
①  somewhat
②  somehow
③  however
④  whatever
【单选题】 In HangzhouMr. Green was so struck by____ beauty of ____ nature that he stayed for another night. ?
①  /; / ?
②  /; the ?
③  the; / ?
④  the; the?
【判断题】 A: Good night, Susan. B: Good night.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We are [填空] TV this night.
①  watch
②  watching
③  watched
④  watches
【单选题】 坚持( )是推动党和国家各项事业发展的重要先手棋。
①  A.加强教师队伍建设
②  B.深化教育改革创新
③  C.优先发展教育事业
④  D.实施科教兴国战略
【单选题】 新时期教学的基本逻辑是以( )为中心。
①  A.教师
②  B.学生
③  C.课本
④  D.学校
【单选题】 ( )认为人是积极的有机体,具有先天的心理成长和发展的潜能。
①  A. 自我决定理论
②  B.马斯洛的需要层次理论
③  C.归因理论
④  D.马克思人的全面发展理论
【单选题】 在任何创造性领域表现出来的创造力是()。
①  A.迷你创造力
②  B.杰出创造力
③  C.小创造力
④  D.专业创造力
【单选题】 人格结构理论中超我的做事原则是
①  A.至善
②  B.快乐
③  C.现实
④  D.环境
【单选题】 ( )是办好教育的根本保证。
①  A.?形成高水平的人才培养体系
②  B.健全立德树人落实机制
③  C.加强党对教育工作的全面领导
④  D.加快补齐教育短板
【单选题】 人们的一些潜意识或无意识行为往往与童年的早期经验有关,特别是
①  A.成功性经验
②  B.创伤性经验
③  C.剥夺性经验
④  D.习惯性经验
【单选题】 ( )是党的意识形态工作的前沿阵地,社会上不同的思想、观点,在这里交锋、交融,前沿阵地守不住,就有可能一溃千里。
①  A.宣传领域
②  B.文化领域
③  C.教育领域
④  D.经济领域
【单选题】 创造性人才=创造性思维+()。
①  A.创造性过程
②  B.创造性环境
③  C.创造性人格
④  D.创造性动机
【单选题】 自我提高内驱力是指个体因自己的胜任能力或工作能力而获得相应地位的需要,相应的动机指向( )。
①  A.个人的地位和自尊
②  B.成果
③  C.人的发展
④  D.求知本身