He runs as faster as Tom.
【单选题】 I like dancing and so [填空] Tom.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 —I made the cake by____ . Help yourself, Tom.—Thanks, Jane.
①  ourselves
②  himself
③  myself
④  herself
【单选题】 —Look, someone is coming. Guess who it ___ be?—I think it ___ be Tom.—I don’t think it ___ be ___.
①  ?must; can; must; his
②  ?may; can; must; him
③  ?can; must; can; him
④  ?might; must; can; himself
【单选题】 6. –Look, someone is coming. Guess who it _____ be?–I think it _____ be Tom.–I don’tthink it _____ be _____.
①  must; can; must; his
②  may; can; must; him
③  must; can; him
④  might; must; can; himself
【单选题】 Tom used to get up late, _____ he?
①  used
②  shouldn’ t
③  did
④  didn’ t
【单选题】 Tom can’t come _____ he is ill.
①  because
②  if
③  so
④  whether
【单选题】 Little Tom is an orphan(孤儿). _____, he has to make a living by himself.
①  A child as he is
②  Child as he is
③  Child as is he A child though he is
【单选题】 Tom is hard-working, so its _____________ that he won the match.
①  no wonder
②  a pity
③  a surprise
④  a mystery
【判断题】 A: Tom speaks English very well. B: So he does.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Not only does Tom attend class regularly, but he also ()in extracurricular activities frequently.
①  participates
②  participate
③  involve
④  involved
【多选题】 审美的心理过程包括( )。
①  审美心境的形成
②  审美心理场的建立
③  审美先结构的介入
④  审美意识的觉醒
【多选题】 见面礼仪中,常见的西方礼节有( )。
①  吻手礼
②  合掌礼
③  拥抱礼
④  亲吻礼
【多选题】 在戏曲脸谱中,红色脸代表的是( )。
①  忠义
②  有血性
③  威武
④  耿直
【单选题】 我国第一部纪传体通史是( )。
①  《史记》
②  《后汉书》
③  《汉书》
④  《资治通鉴》
【单选题】 20世纪现实主义文学,( )成为德语小说的最强音。
①  反法西斯
②  把握时代
③  战争
【单选题】 ( )是法家思想的集大成者,他建立了完整的法治理论和朴素唯物主义的哲学体系。
①  钜子
②  韩非
③  墨子
【单选题】 “敬人者人恒敬之,爱人者人恒爱之”指的是礼仪交往中的那个原则? ( )
①  “谦和、宽容”原则
②  “尊重、真诚”原则
③  “适度、从俗”原则
④  “自律、自爱”原则
【单选题】 那种植物是寒食节的象征之物?( )
①  松树
②  柳树
③  柏树
④  桃树
【单选题】 梨园用来指代戏曲界,那么“杏林”指代的是( )。
①  教育界
②  文艺界
③  医学界
④  体育界
【单选题】 以下对于绘画艺术描述错误的是( )。
①  绘画艺术是静态艺术
②  绘画艺术是空间艺术
③  绘画艺术是情感艺术