Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _____ I could answer the phone.
【单选题】 A: Could you help me put up the posters on the wall? B: [填空].
①  I will
②  No problem
③  I would like
④  Thats a good idea
【单选题】 I was caught up ___________ conversation with a friend when someone knocked at the door.
①  in
②  at
③  over
④  off
【单选题】 A: Do you know Marks phone number? B: [填空] . A: OK. I might as well look it up in the phone book.
①  Just a second
②  Not that I know of
③  I cant think of it now
④  Why ask?
【单选题】 I ____ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m. .
①  needn’t have got
②  didn’t need to get
③  shouldn’t have got
④  can’t have got
【单选题】 did you sleep last night? I stayed up too late to go to sleep.
①  ?How
②  When
③  Why
④  ?Where
【单选题】 9.The_______could not be followed up.
①  clue
②  rope
③  value
④  invent
【单选题】 18.- ______ did you sleep last night? - I stay up too late to go to sleep.
①  How
②  When
③  Why
④  Where
【单选题】 You must have stayed up late last night, _____?
①  mustn’ t you
②  don’ t you
③  didn’ t you
④  needn’ t you
【单选题】 2. Whenever I called in on Paul, he _______ on the phone.
①  talked
②  is talking
③  was talking
④  will talk
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【简答题】 近代中国的两大历史任务是争取[填空]和实现国家富强、人民富裕。
【简答题】 简述《阿Q正传》对国民劣根性的批判。
【简答题】 简述老舍小说《骆驼祥子》的“京味”特色的具体表现。
【简答题】 19世纪末,韩邦庆的[填空]拉开了中国近代通俗文学的序幕。
【简答题】 丁玲1946年的[填空]是最早出现的写土改运动的长篇小说。
【简答题】 艾青的成名作是[填空]。
【简答题】 萧红的小说[填空]展示了“九一八”事变前后东北农村生活图景。
【简答题】 文学研究会的主要阵地是[填空]主编的《小说月报》。
【简答题】 1928年出版的散文集[填空]是鲁迅对青少年时代生活的回忆。
【简答题】 [填空]是30年代海派文学中重要的文学流派,代表人物有施蛰存等人。