Peter’s mother kept telling him that he should give up smoking, but _____ didn’t help.
【单选题】 Smile at everyone It doesn’t matter( ) he or she is, and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.
①  when
②  what
③  whose
④  who
【单选题】 The manager______ at 8:30 am for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.
①  ought to arrive
②  should have arrived
③  should arrive
④  was supposed to arrived
【单选题】 When he was 65,he[填空] that he didn’t want to stop
①  decided
②  decides
③  will decide
④  is deciding
【单选题】 I can’t put up _______him because he is always making mistakes.
①  of
②  on
③  with
【单选题】 He didn’t pass the final examination. He ______ it.
①  must have prepared for
②  ought to prepare
③  ought to have prepared for
④  ought to prepare to
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 It suddenly ________ him that he should solve the problem with a computer.
①  occurred to
②  struck at
③  hit on
④  dawned in
【单选题】 He said he would never be intimidated _____ what he didn’t like by big names and authorities.
①  do
②  to do
③  did
④  into doing
【单选题】 If only he __________ what I tell him, but he won’t.
①  had done
②  would do
③  would have done
④  has done
【单选题】 If it were not for the fact that he was a millionaire, she ____ him.
①  might never marry
②  will never marry
③  would never have married
④  would never marry
【单选题】 超高热病人必有得临床表现是体温大于
①  38℃
②  39℃
③  40℃
④  41℃
【判断题】 脑复苏过程决定患者的生存质量。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 机械通气时,氧的吸入浓度一般从多少浓度开始
①  20-40%
②  40-60%
③  60-80%
④  80-100%
【判断题】 心肺复苏时,为争取抢救时间,可不取下病人的假牙而进行人工呼吸。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ICU的床位应是医院床位数的
①  1%-3%
②  3%-4%
③  5%
④  4%-6%
【单选题】 下列哪种心律失常采用同步电复律
①  阵发性室上性心动过速
②  房颤
③  心室颤动
④  房扑
【单选题】 安装起搏器术后护理不正确的是
①  心电图、血压监护24~48h
②  术后卧床1~3d
③  与起搏器同侧的上肢避免过分外展与上举
④  起搏器电极导管脱出,应立即往里送
【判断题】 阿托品是CPR的首选药物。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ICU是EMSS中的第几个环节
①  第一环节
②  第二环节
③  第三环节
④  第四环节
【判断题】 心脏骤停即预示着死亡,心电图上的表现为一直线。
①  正确
②  错误