During the Second World War, once before, the U-boats had been _____ because of air attack.
in trouble
in the trouble
for trouble
within trouble
【单选题】 With the old man ____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  leading
②  led
③  lead
④  to be led
【单选题】 With the old man____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  lead
②  to be led
③  leading
④  led
【单选题】 He is always __________ (cause) trouble.
①  caused
②  cause
③  causing
【单选题】 If you check the route to your ____before starting off, you will save much trouble.
①  aim
②  purpose
③  destination
④  determination
【单选题】 I have trouble in ________ my homework.
①  do
②  done
③  doing
④  did
【单选题】 Before the final examination, some students have shown _______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  remarks
④  signs
【单选题】 10. I _______ trouble finding the place.
①  didn’t have many
②  haven’t a great deal of
③  didn’t have much
④  hadn’t a lot of
【单选题】 I remember _______ to help us if we ever got into trouble.
①  once offering
②  him once offering
③  him to offer
④  to offer him
【单选题】 Ive been telling you_____not to do that,but you neve listened to me.Thats why you got into trouble.
①  at times
②  time before time
③  time and again
④  for the time being
【单选题】 A: Sorry to give you so much trouble. B: [填空].
①  OK. With great pleasure
②  Oh, really? Thats OK
③  Dont worry about it
④  Im sorry to hear that
【判断题】 生态系统是生物与环境构成的统一的整体,生态系统的多样性包括生物种类的多样性和生活环境的多样性,因此,生态系统的多样性受到影响时,会影响生物种类的多样性和基因的多样性基因的多样性
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人们关于生物多样性最直观、最基本的认识就是生态系统多样性
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 郁闭度指森林中乔木树冠遮蔽地面的程度,它反映林分密度的指标
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 广义的森林资源是森林生态系统内一切可被人们认识和利用的物质和能源
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百四十二条规定:违反土地管理法规,非法占用 耕地、林地等农用地,改变被占用土地用途,数量较大,造成 耕地、林地等农用地大量毁坏的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 生态文明其实就是可持续发展、绿色增长或者绿色发展
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 枯死木和濒死木是Ⅳ级木
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 激素调节学说指出,种子睡眠是由ABA引起的,通过GA可诱导产生ABA抑制的水解酵类,所以引起休眠的生理原因实质是缺乏GA。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 滥伐林木罪在主观方面表现为故意,即明知不该滥伐,滥伐林木的行为会产生危害结果而有意实施滥伐行为
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 《土地调查条例》是根据《土地管理法》与《统计法》制定的
①  正确
②  错误