It’s quite different from _____ I read last month.
the one
the one what
【单选题】 I haven’t read ____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writer.
①  any
②  none
③  both
④  either
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she ____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she _____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 The weather in Harbin is quite different from____ in Hainan.
①  the one
②  one
③  that
④  it
【单选题】 Apart from the meaning of broadening one’s horizon, to ( ) also means to be alert to and be aware of the potential danger of something.
①  keep an eye on
②  fix one’s eyes on
③  turn a blind eye to
④  open one’s eyes
【单选题】 25.I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ___________ .
①  comfortable
②  more comfortable
【单选题】 What do think of the industrial park _______ we visited last month?
①  of which
②  which
③  where
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective
【单选题】 What do think of the industrial park [填空] we visited last month?
①  of which
②  which
③  where
【单选题】 Which one of the following drugs is AChE inhibitor ( )
①  PAM-Cl
②  nicotine
③  neostigmine
④  atropine
⑤  pilocarpine
【单选题】 不属于腮腺咬肌区的结构是()
①  面神经及其分支
②  面横动、静脉
③  下颌后静脉
④  上颌动、静脉
⑤  面动、静脉
【单选题】 可做为寻找面神经干的标志除外()
①  乳突前缘
②  外耳道软骨
③  茎突
④  二腹肌前腹
⑤  二腹肌后腹
【单选题】 面神经颞支一般在耳屏基部前()cm
①  1~1.5
②  1.0~2.0
③  1.5~2.0
④  1.5~2.5
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 面神经主干距乳突尖平面上方约()
①  0.5cm
②  1.0cm
③  1.5cm
④  2.0cm
⑤  2.5cm
【单选题】 颈部的下界除外()
①  胸锁关节
②  肩峰
③  第五颈椎
④  第七颈椎
⑤  锁骨
【单选题】 颈动脉三角的边界正确的是()
①  二腹肌后腹
②  二腹肌前腹
③  斜方肌前缘
④  肩胛舌骨肌下腹
⑤  颏舌骨肌
【单选题】 下颌下三角位于()
①  二腹肌前、后腹与下颌体下缘之间
②  二腹肌前腹与舌骨体之间
③  二腹肌前、后腹与甲状软骨上缘之间
④  二腹肌后腹与舌骨体之间
⑤  上颌骨与二腹肌前、后腹之间
【单选题】 胸锁乳突肌体表标志的意义除外()
①  显露颈外动脉,颈内动、静脉常在该肌前缘作切口
②  显露胸导管、副神经常在该肌后缘作切口
③  该肌后缘中点处为扶突穴的针刺点
④  该肌后缘中点处为神经点
⑤  该肌浅面有颈前静脉通过
【单选题】 颈侧区由颈后三角和()组成
①  颈前三角
②  下颌下三角
③  胸锁乳突肌区
④  二腹肌区
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 颈前三角和颈后三角划分的标志是()
①  肩胛舌骨肌
②  颈血管鞘
③  副神经
④  前斜角肌
⑤  胸锁乳突肌