Drive _____ until you come to the small town, which lies about 100 kilometers _____ London.
north; to the east
north; east of
to north; east of
to north; in the east
【单选题】 10. Japan lies ______ the east of China.
①  to
②  in
③  about
④  at
【单选题】 35.The continent of Asia lies ___the east of the continent of America.
①  in
②  on
③  to
④  along
【单选题】 Hangzhou is in [填空] east of China.
①  /
②  an
③  a
④  the
【单选题】 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.
①  rises
②  rose
③  raises
④  raised
【单选题】 A: Where is Shanghai?B: It is ___ the east of China.
①  on
②  in
③  from
【单选题】 About 60 percent of the students ___ from the south, the rest of them ___ from the north and foreign countries.
①  are/is
②  are/are
③  is/are
④  are
【单选题】 He said the sun [填空] in the east and [填空] in the west.
①  rose,set
②  rises,sets
③  rises,set
④  rise,sets
【单选题】 Finding it difficult to ____ to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the North. ?
①  adopt ?
②  adapt ?
③  fit ?
④  suit?
【单选题】 Both sides agree to establish a _____ zone between the south and north.
①  midst
②  mild
③  mention
④  neutral
【单选题】 At the bus stop _____ a soldier and two young people on their way to North Carolina.
①  were
②  was
③  is
④  waiting
【判断题】 对应日常生活中的“任意的”,“所有的”,“一切的”等词,用符号“任意”表示。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 设n阶无向连通图G有m条边,则mn-1。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 两图同构,则每个顶点的度相同。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 连通是图的结点集上的一个等价关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 半群满足交换律。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 设有代数系统G=〈A,*〉,其中A是所有命题公式的集合,*为命题公式的合取运算,则G的幺元是(   )
①  矛盾式
②  重言式
③  可满足
④  公式p∧q
【单选题】 设A=,B=P(P(A)),以下不正确的式子是(   )
①  包含于B
②  包含于B
③  包括于B
④  包含于B
【单选题】 下列语句中不是命题的只有(   )
①  鸡毛也能飞上天?
②  或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。
③  不经一事,不长一智。
④  牙好,胃口就好。
【单选题】 设A(x):x是人,B(x):x犯错误,命题“没有不犯错误的人”符号化为(   )
②  ┐┐B(x))
④  ┐┐B(x))
【单选题】 设P:天下大雨,Q:他在室内运动,命题“除非天下大雨,否则他不在室内运动”可符合化为(   )
①  ┐P∧Q
②  ┐P→Q
③  ┐P→┐Q
④  P→┐Q