A: Why did your boss shout at you? B: [填空]. He was just in a bad mood.
Nothing in particular
who knows
You said it
Im quite surprised
【单选题】 A: Why did you tell the whole world about my past? B: [填空].
①  Well, I apologize. I got all excited
②  I guess it doesnt matter that much
③  Oh well, its done now. I cant help
④  I dont think you should complain
【判断题】 A: Your father has such a bad temper. Are you afraid of him? B: No. Im afraid not.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You’ve got a divorce? Why did he decide to______ you after seven years together?
①  keep company with
②  part company with
③  keep in touch with
④  stay in touch with
【单选题】 Why don’t you [填空] and ask your mother?
①  go
②  goes
③  going
④  go to
【单选题】 A: I feel quite sick, doctor. B: [填空] A: Im not sure, but I have got a bad headache.
①  How long have you been sick?
②  Im sorry to hear that
③  How are you feeling now?
④  Do you have a fever?
【单选题】 Youve got a divorce? Why did he decide to______ you after seven years together?
①  keep company with
②  part company with
③  keep in touch with
④  stay in touch with
【判断题】 A: Do you like your job? B: Im a nurse.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Why didnt you tell me you had a girlfriend? B: Its none of your business.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Hi, Mark, Im glad you could come. B: [填空] A: No, you are right on time.
①  Its my great honor, thanks.
②  You are welcome. Am I the first?
③  Thanks. Do you have the time?
④  I hope Im not too late.
【单选题】 A: Hello, Jane, do you still remember you said youd like to see Yao Ming? B: [填空] A: He is here at our university now.
①  Yes, why?
②  Yes, so what?
③  No, I dont.
④  No, I dont like him.
【单选题】 柑果是( )的果实类型。
①  蔷薇科
②  葫芦科
③  忍冬科
④  芸香科
【单选题】 下列植物具有油细胞的是( )。
①  罂粟
②  牛膝
③  老鹳草
④  厚朴
【单选题】 葡萄和丝瓜的茎属于( )。
①  攀缘茎
②  缠绕茎
③  匍匐茎
④  平卧茎
【单选题】 蓼科植物的果实类型为( )。
①  坚果
②  颖果
③  核果
④  瘦果
【单选题】 被子植物的主要输水组织是( )。
①  导管
②  管胞
③  筛管
④  筛胞
【单选题】 唇形科的雄蕊类型为( )。
①  二强雄蕊
②  四强雄蕊
③  二体雄蕊
④  单体雄蕊
⑤  聚药雄
【单选题】 下列植物的花序属于总状花序的是( )。
①  当归
②  半夏
③  菊花
④  菘蓝
【单选题】 下列植物来源于木犀科的是( )。
①  人参
②  厚朴
③  连翘
④  白术
【单选题】 下列蕨类植物中,药用部位为叶的是( )。
①  粗茎鳞毛蕨
②  贯众
③  槲蕨
④  石韦
【单选题】 具有肉穗花序的是( )。
①  姜科
②  兰科
③  天南星科
④  百合科