A: Can I help you? B: [填空]. Where do I pay my fees?
Thank you
As you please
Yes, you can
Yes, please
【单选题】 A: Hello, [填空] Can I help you? B: Yes, this is Lin Xiaoyan. Could I speak to Mark Strong, please?
①  Who are you?
②  Whos speaking?
③  Im the secretary.
④  ABHK Bank.
【单选题】 Can I help you with the bag?
①  No, no. I can take it myself
②  Thank you
③  Sorry, you can’t
④  No, I’m all right
【判断题】 A: Can I use the phone in the living room? B: Yes, you can.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Is there anything I can do for you? B: [填空], there is something.
①  No, nothing
②  Well, now that you ask
③  Nothing I can think of
④  If you ask me
【单选题】 “Can I help you?” “Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ____ thank you all the same.”
①  and
②  so
③  but
④  or
【单选题】 Can I help you with your suitcase?
①  I have no idea
②  No, no. I can carry it myself
③  That’s a good idea
④  Thank you. I can manage myself
【判断题】 A: Can you do this for me, please? B: No, thanks.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Its a long journey. You look tired. [填空]? B: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please? A: Sure.
①  Wheres your luggage
②  How can I help you
③  Do you mind my help
④  May I help you with anything
【单选题】 —Hello there, what can I do for you, sir?—_____________________.
①  I can do it myself.
②  No, youre welcome.
③  I would like to buy a pair of glasses.
④  Yes, thank you.
【单选题】 What can I do for you, madam?
①  I want a kilo of apples
②  You can go your own way
③  Thanks
④  Excuse me. I’m busy
【简答题】 [填空1]是培训活动过程中的首要环节,它要回答为什么要培训以及培训要达到什么效果的问题。
【简答题】 阐明可被接受的绩效质量和水平,这是培训目标的[填空1]。
【简答题】 劳动合同无效有哪些?
【简答题】 除劳动者有过错外,用人单位不能解除劳动合同的情形有哪些?
【简答题】 国家实行劳动者每日工作时间不超过[填空]小时、平均每周工作时间不超过[填空]小时的工时制度。
【简答题】 国家采取[填空]措施,促进劳动就业,发展职业教育,制定劳动标准,调节社会收入,完善社会保险,协调劳动关系,逐步提高劳动者的生活水平。
【判断题】 因工伤致残完全丧失劳动能力,退职后饮食起居需人扶助的,因工残废抚恤金的数额为本人工资的75%,付至死亡时止。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 劳动者对用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业,有权提出批评、检举、控告,在操作中注意安全,但不行拒绝执行。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 用人单位克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者工资的,劳动者可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 通常自然人的劳动权利能力和劳动行为能力同时产生。
①  正确
②  错误