A: Can I help you? B: [填空]. Where do I pay my fees?
Thank you
As you please
Yes, you can
Yes, please
【单选题】 A: Hello, [填空] Can I help you? B: Yes, this is Lin Xiaoyan. Could I speak to Mark Strong, please?
①  Who are you?
②  Whos speaking?
③  Im the secretary.
④  ABHK Bank.
【单选题】 Can I help you with the bag?
①  No, no. I can take it myself
②  Thank you
③  Sorry, you can’t
④  No, I’m all right
【判断题】 A: Can I use the phone in the living room? B: Yes, you can.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Is there anything I can do for you? B: [填空], there is something.
①  No, nothing
②  Well, now that you ask
③  Nothing I can think of
④  If you ask me
【单选题】 “Can I help you?” “Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ____ thank you all the same.”
①  and
②  so
③  but
④  or
【单选题】 Can I help you with your suitcase?
①  I have no idea
②  No, no. I can carry it myself
③  That’s a good idea
④  Thank you. I can manage myself
【判断题】 A: Can you do this for me, please? B: No, thanks.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Its a long journey. You look tired. [填空]? B: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please? A: Sure.
①  Wheres your luggage
②  How can I help you
③  Do you mind my help
④  May I help you with anything
【单选题】 —Hello there, what can I do for you, sir?—_____________________.
①  I can do it myself.
②  No, youre welcome.
③  I would like to buy a pair of glasses.
④  Yes, thank you.
【单选题】 What can I do for you, madam?
①  I want a kilo of apples
②  You can go your own way
③  Thanks
④  Excuse me. I’m busy
【单选题】 根据《中华人民共和国会计法》及有关法律规定,在公司制企业中,对本单位会计工作承担第一责任的人员是()
①  A董事长
②  B部经理
③  C总会计师
④  D会计机构负责人
【多选题】 预算收入包括()
①  A税收收入
②  B国有资产收益
③  C专项收入
④  D其他收入
【多选题】 账簿主要有()
①  A总账
②  B明细账
③  C日记账
④  D其他辅助账簿
【单选题】 企业创造某发明专利时,对研究阶段发生的有关支出,应计入()
①  A长期待摊费用
②  B管理费用
③  C销售费用
④  D无形资产
【判断题】 票据是由出票人签发的、约定自己或者委托付款人在见票时或指定的日期向收款人或持票人无条件支付一定金额的有价证券
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 采用预收货款方式销售货物,增值税纳税义务发生日期为货物发出的当天
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列项目中应通过“其他应收款”核算的有()
①  A拨付给企业各内部单位的备用金
②  B应收的各种罚款
③  C收取的各种押金
④  D应向职工收取的各种垫付款项
【多选题】 影响折旧的因素包括()
①  A固定资产原价
②  B预计净残值
③  C预计使用寿命
④  D折旧方法
【单选题】 企业按规定提取的坏账准备应计入()
①  A资产减值损失
②  B财务费用
③  C制造费用
④  D营业外支出
【单选题】 按总价法核算,销售方给予客户的现金折扣,会计上应当作为()
①  A冲减产品销售收入
②  B财务费用
③  C销售费用
④  D营业外支出