A: [填空]. Where was I? B: You were talking about your trip to South Africa.
What did I hear
Lets back up
Lets check in
What were you talking about
【判断题】 I don’t know what you are talking about.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 What are you talking about?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The question What is your affiliation? is to ask where you are working,you should answer I am with...
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What do you eat for your meal? --- I eat [填空] .
①  a egg and some breads
②  an egg and some bread
③  an egg and some breads
【单选题】 18.- Did you get a dictionary?- No, I _____, but there were not any _____.
①  tried; to be left
②  had tried to; leaving
③  tried to; left
④  had tried; have left
【单选题】 I listened to journalists [填空]were excited about the changes.
①  which
②  whom
③  whose
④  who
【单选题】 Did you get a dictionary?No. I________,but there were not any________.
①  tried;to be left;
②  had tried to;leaving
③  tried to;left
④  had tried;have left
【单选题】 A: I didnt know you play basketball. Are you having fun? B: Im having a great time. [填空] What are you doing?
①  Great!
②  How about you?
③  I miss it so much
④  Do you know billiards?
【单选题】 A: Why did you tell the whole world about my past? B: [填空].
①  Well, I apologize. I got all excited
②  I guess it doesnt matter that much
③  Oh well, its done now. I cant help
④  I dont think you should complain
【单选题】 A: What about going for a walk? B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  Walking is good to you
③  Why not? A good idea
④  Its up to you
【判断题】 脱汗是病情危重时突然大汗淋漓,汗出如珠,多伴神疲息短,四肢厥冷,脉微欲绝或散大无力,是阳气欲脱之证
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中医四大经典()
①  A《黄帝内经》
②  B《难经》
③  C《伤寒杂病论》
④  D《神农本草经》
【多选题】 食物的性味有()
①  A热性
②  B温性
③  C凉性
④  D寒性
【多选题】 病人心跳、呼吸突然停止时的表现有()
①  A瞳孔缩小
②  B瞳孔散大
③  C意识突然消失
④  D面色苍白或紫绀
⑤  E全身肌肉松软
【多选题】 肺胀根据其临床表现,尚与下列病症有关()
①  A.咳喘
②  B.痰饮
③  C.心悸
④  D.水肿
⑤  E.喘厥
【多选题】 阴虚火旺导致的汗症,其治疗宜选用下列哪些方剂()
①  A.大补阴丸
②  B.当归六黄汤
③  C.麦味地黄汤
④  D.生脉散
⑤  E.甘麦大枣汤
【单选题】 中国土生土长的宗教是()
①  A.道教
②  B.佛教
③  C.伊斯兰教
④  D.基督教
【单选题】 五脏与五窍的关系密切,其中肾开窍于()
①  A鼻
②  B耳
③  C口
④  D目
【单选题】 医疗事放的责任主体是依法取得执业许可证的医疗机构及其依法取得()
①  A.人学毕业证书的医学院校毕业生
②  B.医学教育资格的机构
③  C.执业证书的卫生技术人员了
④  D.考试合格取得资格的考生
【单选题】 发生重大医疗过失行为医疗机构向当地卫生行政部门报告的时限更求是()
①  A.12小时内
②  B.15小时
③  C.24小时
④  D.20小时
⑤  D.20小时