A: She is running a fever, but now it is under control. B: [填空].
She is running fast
Her mother does not run
She is running away from home
I will go and see her after work
【判断题】 She doesn’t do her work on weekdays, does she?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【判断题】 A: Her mother isnt a nurse, is she? B: Yes, she isnt.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I [] she will recover quickly from her illness.
①  hope
②  wish
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【判断题】 The girl is made to do her homework right after she comes from school.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It was not until she had arrived home __________ remembered her appointment with the doctor.
①  when she
②  that she
③  and she
④  she
【判断题】 She often looks after her grandmother.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She doesn’t speak ____ her friend, but her written work is excellent.
①  as well as
②  so often as
③  so much as
④  as good as
【单选题】 27.She did her work _________her manager had instructed.
①  as
②  until
③  when
④  though
【单选题】 已知线段AB的两端点坐标,可计算tgαAB=△y/△x,R=arctg△y/△x,R>0,若使αAB=R+180则( )。
①  △x>0,△y>0
②  △x0
③  △x<0,△y<0
④  △x>0,△y<0
【单选题】 尺长误差和温度误差属( )。
①  偶然误差
②  系统误差
③  中误差
④  闭合差
【单选题】 在一地面平坦,无经纬仪的建筑场地,放样点位应选用( )方法。
①  直角坐标
②  极坐标
③  角度交会
④  距离交会
【判断题】 i角误差即水准仪的水准管轴与视准轴不平行产生的误差。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 观测值中误差越大,观测精度越高。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 测水平角的误差与观测点的距离成反比。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 导线测量的外业包括勘探选点、高程测量、边长测量和连接测量。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 导线坐标增量闭合差的调整方法是将闭合差反符号后按导线边数平均分配。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 水平角观测时当偏心角和水平角是定值时,边长愈长仪器对中误差的影响愈大。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在距离丈量中,衡量其丈量精度的标准是( )。
①  相对误差
②  中误差
③  往返误差
④  闭合差