A: Are you feeling better today? B: [填空].
There must be something wrong
Just have a good rest
Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still dont feel good
Dont worry about me
【多选题】 A: I have a headache. I feel weak and tired.B: You ___________ go to see a doctor.
①  should
②  should not
③  had better
④  had better not
【单选题】 I dont need [填空] the doctor.
①  see
②  to see
③  seeing
④  saw
【单选题】 It is no good ___________ to know what you dont know.
①  pretend
②  to pretend
③  pretending
④  pretends
【单选题】 You’d better [填空] to see the doctor.
①  going
②  goes
③  go to
④  go
【单选题】 A: I feel quite sick, doctor. B: [填空] A: Im not sure, but I have got a bad headache.
①  How long have you been sick?
②  Im sorry to hear that
③  How are you feeling now?
④  Do you have a fever?
【单选题】 A: Id rather have some tea, if you dont mind. B: [填空].
①  Thank you very much
②  Yes, I like so
③  Of course not, anything you want
④  No, its nothing
【判断题】 A: Dont you think this colour is too dark? B: Yes, I think so.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Im so worried about Mondays exam. B: Dont worry. [填空].
①  Relax
②  Just give up
③  Just be yourself
④  Mind you
【判断题】 A: Excuse me, have you got the time? B: Yes, I have.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I dont have to introduce the boy to you ___-you know him.
①  since
②  until
③  unless
④  but
【多选题】 营养高的奶类包括
①  纯奶
②  含乳饮料
③  酸奶
④  奶粉
【多选题】 肉类的烹调应注意
①  要煮熟
②  注意生熟分开
③  海产品也不宜生吃
④  家庭用菜板菜刀至少要准备两套
【多选题】 心血管疾病的发生与发展与以下因素有关
①  遗传
②  年龄
③  肥胖
④  饮食
【多选题】 蛋类的烹调应注意
①  鸡蛋营养丰富,可一天1-2个
②  少吃加工蛋(松花蛋、咸鸭蛋)
③  不宜生吃
④  勿久煮
【多选题】 常见的心血管疾病有
①  糖尿病
②  高血压,高脂血症
③  冠心病、动脉粥样硬化
④  心功能不全、脑卒中
【多选题】 病毒性肝炎中最常见的是
①  甲肝
②  乙肝
③  丙肝
④  戊肝
【多选题】 乙肝的传播途径有
①  血液
②  垂直
③  密切接触
④  医源性传播
【多选题】 蔬菜的烹调应注意
①  先洗后切
②  多炖炖更好
③  勿长时间炖煮
④  最好不要生吃
【多选题】 骨质疏松的表现有
①  骨结构改变
②  骨量减少
③  骨的韧性增加
④  易骨折
【多选题】 糖尿病的三多一少是指
①  吃的多
②  喝的多
③  尿的多
④  体重减少