A: Excuse me, [填空]? B: Certainly, Walk three blocks along this street, and then turn left. Walk another block, and youll find the cinema across the street. You cant miss it.
but will you please tell me where you live
but can you help me with the bag
but would you tell me how to find the cinema
but can you tell me the way to the cinema
【单选题】 A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the tube?B: Turn right around the corner and then walk one block up. [填空].
①  You cant miss it
②  Just do that
③  Try that way
④  Sure thing,miss
【单选题】 Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?
①  Don’t ask that
②  Sorry, I’m a stranger here
③  No, I can’t say that
④  No, you’re driving too fast
【单选题】 Would you like [填空] the cinema with me?
①  go to
②  to go to
③  to going
④  going to
【单选题】 A: Can you give me a hand? B: [填空].
①  I can give you both hands
②  Im all yours
③  The pleasure is mine
④  Ill watch your back
【判断题】 A: Why didnt you tell me you had a girlfriend? B: Its none of your business.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Are you following me? B: [填空]
①  Can you walk slowly, please?
②  Let me think of it.
③  Im afraid not.
④  Who knows?
【判断题】 A: Can you do this for me, please? B: No, thanks.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Woman: Bob, do you think you can lend me fifty dollars? Bob: Let me see. ____
①  You know I have no money at all.
②  Sorry, I don’t think I have much with me.
③  I don’t think you should do it.
④  Oh, I have quite a lot.
【判断题】 A: Would you please help me with my lessons? B: With pleasure.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Would you mind changing seats with me? B: [填空].
①  Yes, you can
②  Of course, I dont mind
③  No, I dont mind
④  Certainly, please do.
【单选题】 I型糖尿病的特点为()。
①  多数人肥胖或超重、食欲好、精神体力与正常人并无差别
②  患者胰岛功能基本丧失,需要终生应用胰岛素替代治疗
③  起病隐匿、缓慢
④  随着病程延长,可出现糖尿病慢性并发症
⑤  一般有家族遗传病史
【单选题】 预防佝偻病需补充维生素D和钙剂,其中维生素D的预防或治疗剂量根据生理状况会有不同需求。正常18岁以下儿童每日需补充的维生素D剂量是()。
①  200IU
②  400IU
③  800~1000IU
④  2000~4000IU
⑤  15万~30万IU
【单选题】 缺铁性贫血者,铁的吸收率为()。
①  10%
②  20%
③  5%
④  30%
⑤  15%
【单选题】 语言获得理论中的“先天与后天相互作用论”代表人物是( )。
①  乔姆斯基
②  斯金纳
③  华生
④  皮亚杰
【单选题】 治疗骨性关节炎,给予透明质酸钠的正确给药途径是()。
①  肌内注射
②  关节腔注射
③  口服给药
④  静脉推注
⑤  静脉滴注
【单选题】 儿童在出生后的4-10个月内发展起来的前言语能力是( )。
①  辨调
②  辨义
③  产生交际倾向
④  单音发声
【单选题】 在前言语阶段,儿童获得语言的基础是( )。
①  交际能力
②  感知语音能力
③  发音能力
④  表达能力
【单选题】 ( )是儿童正确理解语言和使用语言的基础,是言语发展的标志之一。
①  词义
②  语调
③  语音
④  词汇
【单选题】 说出“这是什么,那是什么”说明幼儿阅读能力发展处在( )。
①  分析阶段
②  综合阶段
③  分析综合阶段
④  理解阶段
【单选题】 学前阶段儿童倾听行为的培养,着重点应( )。
①  放在从语音、语法、语义及语用四个方面掌握母语的表达能力上
②  放在对语音、语调的感知和对语义内容的理解上
③  放在学习正确恰当的口语表达上
④  放在愿意向别人表达自己的见解上