A: We are going to have a housewarming party tonight. Would you like to join us? B: [填空].
I have no idea.
Im afraid not, because I have to visit my parents
No, I cant.
Thats all set
【单选题】 We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us?
①  I’m afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonight
②  Of course not. I have no idea
③  No, I can’t
④  That’s all set
【单选题】 We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?___________
①  I’m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
②  Of course not. I have no idea.
③  No, I can’t.
④  That’s all set.
【判断题】 We wish that you hadnt have such a lot of work, because we know you would have enjoyed the party.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?
①  OK, but I have to go to a meeting now
②  No, I can’t
③  I’d love to, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents
④  I don’t know
【单选题】 A: Richard, class begins at 9, and you are late. B: I know, but I missed my bus, Im sorry. B: [填空]. You have to be here on time.
①  Thats no excuse
②  Dont mention it
③  You neednt be
④  No problem
【单选题】 I’ m going to do all I can to____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.
①  move
②  remove
③  shift
④  transform
【单选题】 A: Why didnt you come to my party last night? B: Im sorry, [填空]. I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital.
①  I did it
②  I still remember it
③  I will come
④  I couldnt make it
【单选题】 A: I got a job from Dell B: Thats great news. Im very happy for you. A: Thanks. I feel like celebrating. Lets go have a beer. [填空].
①  Its on me
②  Its so fine today
③  Its your turn
④  It is rather expensive
【单选题】 _______I like most is_______I can have a party after work.
①  That,that
②  What, that
③  What, what
【单选题】 I have no idea _____ to make my speech interesting.
①  how
②  why
③  when
④  what
【单选题】 关于影响职业幸福感的说法不正确的是()
①  选择最适合的职业道路时,要遵循以自己的能力、兴趣选择岗位
②  个人兴趣也是影响我们职业幸福感的重要因素
③  收入高低对于我们能否获得职业幸福感是影响最大的
④  福利对于职业幸福感的获取一点也不重要,可以忽略
【单选题】 积极参加社会公益活动()
①  是为了博取一个好的名声
②  能够加深我们对社会的了解,培养自己的责任感
③  吃力不讨好,根本没必要
④  没什么作用,只是浪费我们的时间
【单选题】 终身雇佣制员工退休年龄最晚是()
①  65岁
②  50岁
③  60岁
④  55岁
【单选题】 德国政府和企业每年投入的培训费用达到了()
①  200亿马克
②  150亿马克
③  100亿马克
④  250亿马克
【单选题】 在人力资源配置中占据主导地位的是()
①  市场
②  企业
③  国家
④  人才
【判断题】 职业生涯成功的标准是唯一的,对个人而言,可以用通一的的标准去衡量职业生涯是否成功
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人要自尊,必须抛掉自卑
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “可怜虫”思维模式的人不利于职业的发展
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人们评价成功的标准是一成不变的
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 精进技术除了获得效益外,也是对于自己能力的充分认可
①  正确
②  错误