A: Im having a barbecue next Saturday. [填空]. B: Sure. That would be wonderful. What time?
I have invited some of my friends to come
Will you be free at that time?
Im looking forward to it
I was wondering if youd like to come
【单选题】 A: I didnt know you play basketball. Are you having fun? B: Im having a great time. [填空] What are you doing?
①  Great!
②  How about you?
③  I miss it so much
④  Do you know billiards?
【单选题】 A: Hi, Mark, Im glad you could come. B: [填空] A: No, you are right on time.
①  Its my great honor, thanks.
②  You are welcome. Am I the first?
③  Thanks. Do you have the time?
④  I hope Im not too late.
【单选题】 A: Why didnt you come to my party last night? B: Im sorry, [填空]. I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital.
①  I did it
②  I still remember it
③  I will come
④  I couldnt make it
【单选题】 ——Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I’d like you and Jane to come. ——I’m not sure if she ____ free.
①  willbe;is
②  isgoingto;is
③  is;is
④  is;willbe
【单选题】 A: Richard, class begins at 9, and you are late. B: I know, but I missed my bus, Im sorry. B: [填空]. You have to be here on time.
①  Thats no excuse
②  Dont mention it
③  You neednt be
④  No problem
【单选题】 A: Mary, Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to come this Friday. B: Whats the matter? [填空].
①  Nothing wrong, I hope
②  Its all right with me
③  Im really sorry for that
④  You can come some other time
【单选题】 Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to ______.
①  you reply
②  your reply
③  you answer
④  you to answer
【单选题】 A: Are you ready for the test tomorrow? B: [填空] A: Come on, I am sure you will do well.
①  Why do you ask?
②  No. Im afraid not.
③  Sure, no problem.
④  What about you?
【单选题】 A: I feel quite sick, doctor. B: [填空] A: Im not sure, but I have got a bad headache.
①  How long have you been sick?
②  Im sorry to hear that
③  How are you feeling now?
④  Do you have a fever?
【单选题】 A: Would you like come to dinner tonight? B: [填空].
①  Lets put it off till later
②  Thanks, but I have to work overtime
③  I really cant. Youll not mind, I think
④  No, I dont want to
【判断题】 由二叉树的先序序列和后序序列可以唯一确定一棵二叉树。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 串的长度是指串中不同字符的个数。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 空串与由空格组成的串没有区别。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在一棵二叉树上第3层上的结点数最多为( )。
①  2
②  4
③  6
④  8
【判断题】 串的数据元素是一个字符。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 串中任意个字符组成的子序列称为该串的子串
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 已知一棵完全二叉树的结点总数为9个,则最后一层的结点数为( )。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 用顺序存储的方法将完全二叉树中所有结点逐层存放在数组a[1]~a[n]中,结点a[i]若有左孩子,其左孩子的编号为结点( )。
①  a[2i+1]
②  a[2i-1]
③  a[i/2]
④  a[2i]
【判断题】 在链串中为了提高存储密度,应该增大结点的大小。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 子串的定位运算称为模式匹配。
①  正确
②  错误