A: Must I take a train? B: No, you [填空]. You can take a plane.
must not
dont have to
can not
【判断题】 A: Must I take a taxi? B: No, you must not. You can take a bus.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Must I take a taxi?No, you _______. You can take my car.
①  had better to
②  don’t
③  must not
④  don’t have to
【单选题】 -Must I finish the report today? -_____________________.You can finish it tomorrow.
①  Yes, you must
②  No, you mustn’t.
③  No, you don’t have to
④  yes
【单选题】 You must think of [填空] you can do for your parents.
①  that
②  how
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 —Can you take the day off tomorrow? —Well, I’ll have to get ____ from my boss.
①  permission
②  permit
③  allowance
④  possession
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____ .?
①  fare ?
②  charge ?
③  money ?
④  pay?
【单选题】 You can take any apple ____________ you like.
①  that
②  which
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of ____.
①  fare
②  charge
③  money
④  pay
【单选题】 A: I must apologize to you for the delay. B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  No trouble at all
③  All the best
④  You are welcome
【单选题】 Can I have the records [填空] I lent you?
①  that
②  whom
③  those
④  whose
【单选题】 下列数组说明和初始化正确的是()。
①  int a[5]=0
②  int b[3]={1,2,3,4}
③  float c[]={1,2,3}
④  float d={5.3,6.0}
【单选题】 使用标准命名空间的语句是()
①  using namespace std;
②  using namespace iostream;
③  include std;
④  include iostream;
【单选题】 如果x 是整型变量,则以下几种形式合法的是()。
①  &(x+5)
②  *x
③  *x
④  *x
【单选题】 下列关于纯虚函数与抽象类的描述中,()是错误的。
①  抽象类是指具有纯虚函数的类
②  纯虚函数是一个特殊的虚函数,它没有具体的实现
③  一个基类中说明具有纯虚函数,该基类的派生类一定不再是抽象类
④  抽象类只能作为基类来用,其纯虚函数的实现由派生类给出
【单选题】 有如下声明:string a=hello,b=world;以下操作不正确的是()。
①  a=b
②  a+b
③  strlen(a)
④  ab
【单选题】 下列哪种表达形式,代表多行注释()
①  /“描述信息”/
②  /*描述信息*/
③  #描述信息#
④  //描述信息//
【单选题】 设int a =-12,b =5;则条件表达式a <b ?a+2:b 的值为()
①  1
②  0
③  -10
④  5
【单选题】 下列常量中,十六进制int型常量是()。
①  0x5f
②  x2a
③  046
④  7a
【单选题】 在下列读写函数中,进行写操作的函数是()。
①  get()
②  read()
③  put()
④  getline()
【单选题】 下列对字符串的定义中,错误的是()
①  char str[5]=abcde;
②  char str[ ]=abcde;
③  char *str =abcde;
④  char str[ ]={’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’,’e’,’\0’};